4: Something is happening

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November 7th

I don't know how I got roped into this, but here we are. Sal and Larry are breaking into one of the apartments, giving me no information as to why. The only thing I can observe about the apartment is that something happened here. The rim around the door looks like it was torn away by something with claws. The number on the door is crocked and looks like it's about to fall off. 403... hasn't Sal said something about this place?

"Got it open!" Larry cheers. The two go into the apartment, leaving me standing back. For some reason, I really don't want to go inside.

"Come on Katie! Adventure awaits!" Sal says peeking his head out from behind the door. I cautiously go inside. It's pretty dark, but I can still see what looks like a faded chalk outline for a body.

"What the fuck happened in here?" I whisper.

"A murder. It was a long time ago, right when Sally moved in," Larry says way to calmly for this situation.

"Why are we even in here?!"

"To talk to Ms. Sanderson of course," Sal says as if it were super obvious. When he sees how confused I look he adds, "She's the ghost that lives here. She was murdered."

"We sometimes come in here, but for some reason the door was locked. Probably my mom, can't believe it took this long to notice the place was unlocked," Larry chuckles.

I have seen some ghosts before with Sal and Larry, one of them being Megan, but it still freaked me out. It freaks me out even more to see how calm the two are when they just broke into somewhere to contact a spirit. Why did it take me so long to know there was a murder in the apartments? Did they just not tell me so I wouldn't be scared away?

Sal walks over to the spot where a very faint chalk outline is, holding his gear boy above it. It glows a light green, and when Sal presses a button, a scream surrounds us in the room, and flesh begins to materialize from the floor, taking the shape of a women.

"Why hello boys, oh and girl!" The ghost says. She's... speaking from her throat? A bright red cut is around the woman's throat, the skin peeling and tattered. The sight almost makes me vomit, but I keep myself together not wanting to upset the ghost in case she's sensitive about her appearance. She is by far the scariest ghost I've seen.

"Hi Ms. Sanderson. We came to check on you, and to ask if you've seen... the demon around? All the other ghosts aren't really sure, but we need to ask everyone in case," Sal says.

"I'm doing fine I suppose, as fine as I can be. And no, sorry, I haven't seen that thing around, but maybe that's for the best, I do hope it stays away,"

"Thank you,"

"No problem, Sal, now if that's all, I'll be going. Thank you for visiting me, I've been so lonely," The ghosts lets out another shriek and she disappears from the room, melting back into the flooring.

Larry and Sal talk amongst themselves, leaving me completely out of their conversation. I'm still confused... demon? Sal has mentioned it to me before but told me I didn't have to worry about it because he took care of it and it would never be back. I guess he now has reason to believe the things back.

"Come on, let's go back to my place," Larry walks out fist with Sal and I following close behind.


"Hey Sal, what other creepy things are in this apartment?" I ask. Larry is busy in the kitchen washing some dishes, which leaves Sal and I to hang out in his room.

"Well, you know about the ghosts and red eyed demon," Sal shrugs.

"Is there anything else? I feel like you guys haven't told me everything,"

"There is something... But..." Sal pauses and thinks. He looks unsure of what to say.

"Just tell me, I'll be fine,"

"There's also a cult. Under the church right next to the apartments. We thought they were harmless because it looked abandoned when we explored it, but I think they are back. And they are related to the red eyed demon first appearing... I guess I'm worried that they'll try to summon it again," Sal eyes shift toward the ground.

"That's all? Thank goodness," I sigh.

"THANK GOODNESS?! Katie do you not realize how serious this is?" Sal snapped.

"I do, but I was worried. A cult isn't that much to handle, I'm sure you'll find a way to bring them down, just like you always do,"

Sal is still on edge and just stares at me. I guess he's been worried sick over the cult, and what they could do. I want to reassure him that everything will be fine, but I don't know myself. I haven't had to deal with this cult, or the red eyed demon. That all happened before I even got here.

"I think I'm just too stressed. Maybe I should spend some time away from everything," Sal sighs heavily.

"That sounds like a great idea. Why don't we get some food? I'll order a pizza,"

"I'd like that,"

"PIZZA?! Count me in!" Larry had just opened the door to come back when he heard me mention food.

The three of us order the pizza and sit in the dining room and eat. The time flies and we go back to sitting around Larry's room.

"Shit!" I yell suddenly, "I forgot I had chemistry homework due tomorrow! I am so fucked!"

"Woah calm down, you'll get it done, no problem," Larry lazily leans back in his bean bag chair.

"You don't understand Larry, this is a super hard class and I have no clue what I'm doing!" I frantically collect my things to hurry out the door. Maybe I can ask my mom or dad for help? They usually aren't good at helping me with school work, but I'm desperate.

"You could always see Todd, he's great at tutoring people," Sal suggests.

"You're right! Ok bye guys see you tomorrow!" I rush out of the room grabbing my backpack. I hurry to Todd's place and knock on the door. Shortly, Todd opens the door.

"What can I do for you Katie?" He asks.

"I need help with chemistry! Can you please help me for like, ten minutes?"

He thinks for a moment and sighs. "Neil is over right now, but... I'll spare ten minutes. Come on in."

"You are a life saver! Thank you so much Todd!"

Todd opens the door, letting me inside. Two people are sitting in the living room on the couch, who I assume are his parents.

"Oh you have a friend~?" His mom asks.

"Yes, I'm giving her a quick tutor session,"

"That is sooo niceee of you Todd~!" She giggles.

The two of us step into Todd's room and Neil is sitting on his bed reading a book.

"Oh, hey Katie, funny seeing you here," He smiles.

"I'm sorry that I'm intruding on your hangout but I just need some help and I'll be gone!"

"Haha it's alright. We were just reading some books. Now, I'll leave you to learning,"

I sit at Todd's desk and he stands next to me explaining concepts to me and how to use formulas, all that fun stuff. By the time the ten minutes are over, I've successfully finished half of my homework, and know how to complete the rest.

"Bye guys! Thank you again!"

"See you tomorrow," Todd smiles.

And with that, I walk out of the apartments and head home, ready for school and feeling very confident with my chemistry work.

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