22: A new year

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August 15th

It was scary going back to school. And this time with none of my friends making my day bearable. At least my schedule was more flexible, math and science on Monday and Wednesday, and history and literature on Tuesday and Thursday. I was free Friday and the weekend, but those days would be filled up soon enough. I planned on getting a part time job to help me save up for a car, and just to buy things I wanted so my parents wouldn't have to buy them for me.

Todd and I didn't have any classes together to my disappointment. But we did share the same math class, just at different times, so he would still be able to help me with my homework. Today I went to college all alone, planning to not see him all day since the first day of classes can be hectic, or so I've heard.

The campus itself was fairly nice, with five separate buildings for each subject. The math building, the sciences, history, and writing in its many forms. In the middle of campus was the last building, and it was an eating area for anyone who had lunch there. Above the 'café' was the library which you could go to and sign out books for free. It was a public college, so I hadn't expected much, but it did surpass my expectations so far.

Larry called late last night and left a voice message for me to hear in the morning. It was basically a good luck with first day classes and to make sure to call him later. He was always going on about how lonely he would be once we went to school. I tried to remind him Sal was still in the apartments with him, and he'd complain that's one friend out of four that are busy.

It was tough seeing Ash leave. We said our goodbyes to her on the 8th, and she wouldn't be back until thanksgiving break. We stood at the bus stop, crying and hugging her, telling her not to forget us, and she only laughed and said everything would be like she wasn't even gone. I thought Sal would take it the hardest, but it looked like Larry was the one crying the most. He told me before that she was his first friend in Nockfell, and she was the person that was there for him when his dad disappeared. She comforted him and kept his mind off the sad reality of the world. He talked of her so fondly, how she was the nicest kid ever. He was scared of losing his best friend. She got on the bus, waved us goodbye, and left. It was strangely quiet after. No one wanted to speak, or maybe we just didn't have the words.


I didn't recognize anyone in my math class, everyone was new to me. It was a strange combination of people, either young like me, or older in their 30's. Since this was the only college in the area, everyone who wanted an education came here. Everyone was quiet while the professor spoke about the syllabus, and we were released early.

Science wasn't much better, the same type of classroom, just with counters instead of desks. The professor got up and introduced herself, took the role, and talked about the syllabus. It was an average first day, but I expected something much more exciting. I looked around at the sad student faces. Everyone looked miserable. Nockfell was always a sad town, where the people looked bored, or in utter misery. It was hard to find a smiling face, one that was genuinely happy to be living. After meeting Ash and the others, I seemed to have forgotten that part of the town. I had gotten used to being around the smiling, talkative group, that now being surrounded by the average person feels depressing. It almost made me miss California.

I walked around before heading home, just trying to get a feeling for the campus. I saw some people from previous classes at Nockfell high school, but it's not like I ever talked to them. They were complete strangers. When they looked my way, it looked like they didn't even recognize me.

It hit me only then that I realized how little impact I made at nockfell high. I was just another forgettable face in the crowd. I somehow thought that people would know me, because of the people I hung around. If Sal were standing next to me, I have no doubt people would recognize who I was. But when I'm alone, I become the nobody I used to be. No one cared who I was friends with, they don't care about how I stand out, they don't even care that I'm alive. It was a surreal experience, knowing these people didn't have a clue who I really was. They never spoke to me, so they didn't know my story, what my interest were, how I found myself in this strange town. It was all a mystery to them, and they simply didn't care.

The thoughts in my head grew painfully loud, and I tried to walk faster away from the campus, thinking if I were somehow not there, the thoughts would stop and I would be able to live my daily life without a care.


Being at home was more comforting today that it had been in the past. Laying on my bed and taking deep breathes helped me the most it ever had in my life. My room as a small piece of who I was, and was the place I could feel the most at home at.

Larry called earlier, maybe I should call him back? It would definitely help me get my mind of the impending doom of being forgotten. I go downstairs to the main phone and dial Larry's apartment number. The phone only rung once before Larry's voice came from the other side.


"Hey Larry, it's me, I'm done with college for the day and decided to return your call,"

"Oh, hey Katie. How was it then? Did you get the first day anxiety?" he joked.

"Not really, it was just weird not having you or sal with me," I respond.

"Yeah, it's weird not going to school. Just feels like unending summer break," Larry sighs. He's probably laying in bed, where he's been probably all day.

"Then go get a job, that'll make it not feel like summer,"

"But having a job is so hard," Larry whines.

"You can't live in a basement forever," I roll my eyes although he can't see it.

"You never know, I can become the next janitor when my mom retires,"

"Larry, you hate cleaning. Plus, do you see how busy Lisa is all the time? You'd fucking die," I laugh as he grumbles on the other side.

"Fine, you're right. Also, I'll have you know I've already applied for a job. It's some tacky car maintenance gig, but it pays well, and I've always liked cars so I might as well learn how to fix them,"

"Good, I'm proud of you Larry. Now, I'm going to hang up. It's been a long day and I feel like taking a nap. Talk to you later, maybe we can hang out soon,"

"Sounds good, bye Katie,"

"Bye Larry,"

I put the phone back on the base and retreat to my room for the nap I mentioned. I never used to nap after high school, but today just feels like the right time. I put on a record and change my clothes into something more comfortable. The natural lighting seeping past my curtains provide a nice atmosphere for me to sleep in. I crawl into my bed and grab a pillow beside me to curl up next to. When I wake up, I'll eat dinner, and spend time with my family, and who knows, maybe I'll call Larry again, depending on how bored I get.



I'm back from hiatus, and back to regular posting every Saturday. I really did need that break, because as soon as I posted the announcement, that week I got even more work that made me spend everyday trying to complete it.

But It's good to be writing again, and I am trying to write the remaining chapters, its sad to think that this story is more than halfway over!

Anyway, have a good day.


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