20: The beach

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June 22nd

"Get uuuupppp!" I rocked Ash's shoulder multiple times in an attempt to wake her. But the girl refused to open her eyes, and looked like she couldn't hear me at all. In the process of yelling at her to get up, I woke up Larry. Sal and Todd were ready for the beach and packing a bag of things we needed like sunscreen, snacks, and money for the pier after.

Larry rolled out of his bed and stood in front of Ash. He joined in shaking her and yelling "it's time to wake up". Finally, after Larry almost threw her out of the bed on the floor, she opened her eyes and complained about how bright it was.

"Get in your bathing suit and bring clothes to wear over so we can go to the pier after!" I instruct her, going to change myself.

I put on a simple black bikini and threw over a white band shirt and black shorts. I put my hair in a high ponytail. Ash went into the bathroom after me and came out wearing a purple sundress. She let me braid her hair for the first time, which I did nicely. When we were all ready, we got into the truck and headed over to the beach.

It's always been a busy place, but summer is the busiest time of the year. Almost every parking spot was taken up, but a very tiny spot was open, and Larry didn't want to take any chances on driving any further from the beach and not finding a place, so he pulled in and paid the small ticket dispenser as the rest of us got everything out.

The beach was crowded with beach towels and families with children running around. Multiple colorful umbrellas and people standing around playing with a volleyball.

We set up our things in a small space between two families. Todd worked on the umbrella and Sal laid out a big towel for us to sit on. Larry also set up two chairs in case the towel got uncomfortable.

"I'm going into the water!" Ash wasted no time running away from us and heading straight to the water.

"I think I'm going to search for shells first," Todd announces. I remember hearing him say he wants to make matching necklaces for him and Neil using seashells, because Neil couldn't come with us due to work.

Sal took a seat in one of the chairs. On the way over here, people were definitely staring at him, which isn't unusual, but there's more people here than Nockfell. There were also whispers, and not so quiet, "What's wrong with that freak?". It all seemed like a little too much for Sally. I just hope he will eventually join us in the water, so he can experience everything from the beach.

"Come on Larry, let's go swim too. Don't want Ash to drown on us," I chuckle. I stripped down to my swimsuit and walked to the ocean, Larry following close behind. I missed the waves, and the sound of them crashing into the sand. The salty smell of the water, and even how it felt on my feet. The ocean isn't as cold as Lake Wendigo, which I liked.

Ash was already waist deep and diving under the water letting the waves crash over her. When she came back up to the surface, she was laughing her head off.

"At least she's happy," Larry chuckled.

"Come on, we have to go deeper so you can feel the waves!" I grabbed his arm and led him over to Ash. The waves were big today, and every time they came at us, we would jump and get swept away. I wish I brought a boogie board; it would have made the waves even more fun to go over.

"Will Sal join us later?" Ash asked.

"He told me he didn't want to get his prosthetic wet, but I think there's more to it," Larry answered.

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