The truth

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Medelin was sitting on Alex's office couch. Alex on the other side of his office table, on the chair..
Both were worried for Noah, he had refused to eat or talk, After the confession of killing his mother.

Medelin said breaking the silence, " Your thoughts?"

Alex glance in her direction and asked, "About what Noah said?," he waits.

"I don't think he is on his right mind." She said.
"I think so too." He said. " the pain in his eyes tells more than he could say."

"Yeah.." Medelin says.
"What do you think happened?, with him. Since none of his injuries were normal." Alex ask.

"Now that you mentioned, I wanted to discuss this matter with you." Something caught medelin's attention, she was more alert..

"Look," she stands from the couch and reached for the papers in front table.

She places the papers on Alex's desk and stand there for him to look.

"Here, this is what I am talking about."
The record file of Noah's recovery, she had specially placed his chest's whole wound in different file.

"His first two day's recovery was not very well, my records show as if he is going to die.", Alex turns pages fully focused and hearing everything Medelin is saying.

"Now look at this, his last two records, before he woke up. They seem like a different person's record, as if he is not the boy who was on the verge of dying." She looks at Alex, as if he had the answers.

"That is really weird." Alex says, he waits.
"That's not the only case here," she again turns the pages, " the first page, That's the image I have taken of his wound on the first day." Medelin puts a finger on the image.

The image shows a huge whole, blood dripping from the sides,

Alex was more attended, he looks at the other images too.

Finally he says.."Only he can answer everything now." He puts the file on the table.
Stands up from the chair and faces medelin..
"Listen, I know this is not the right time to ask him. But, if we didn't get his answers now, we might be too late for it. As his doctor, i ask for your permission." Alex says.

"Alex. You are my boss. You can do whatever you want." She waits. " and I think the same way.."

Together they leave the room to ask Noah questions.

They enter the room and find Noah standing close to the window looking outside.
When he hears the door he turns to look and find Alex and medelin.

"Hey buddy." Alex says enter the room.. "Looking outside I see." He says.

"Yeah," Noah answer with a low tone.

"We need to ask you something." Alex says, "And it's important."

Noah doesn't reply neither with words nor with nod.

"I know it's hard for you.. but right now we need to know what is going on with you." Alex says and comes closer.

"Hey," he puts a hand on his shoulder. " i believe we can help you." He says, Noah gives him a little nod.

"Here," Medelin says pointing to the chair "let's sit and talk."

Alex and Noah sits, facing each other.

"You can begin." Alex say.
"You know Angela, right?" He ask.
" Your mother?" Medelin asked to confirm.
"Actually.. she is not my mother.. you see, I am an orphan. When I was a little baby someone left me on Angela's porch, that's what she said to me..and everyone else.."
Noah said.

"Everyone else. So you weren't alone?" Alex asked.

"No. Angela had three more orphan kids.. just like me, maya, D and Jameson. Maya and I , we were of the same age, Jameson was two years older than me, and D was five years older.. we were a happy little family, maya was man of the house. She was a teacher in our villages magic school, and she used to sell hand made remedial medicines.. so we could have bread and soup at home." Noah says, alex can hear the heavyness in his voice.. the names of his loved ones weighted alot on his little tounge.

"My village name is Arden." Noah said.
Before he could say another word,
Alex says, "What did you said?"

"I said, my village's name is Arden. It's not very popular and not many people live there, since there is that huge forest-" Noah repeats the name for Alex.

"I heard your village's name Noah."Alex said.

The name did something to Alex, as if he doesn't want to believe that.

"But..are you sure?" Alex asked, "are you sure you are from Arden?," Alex again asks to make sure he is not imagining things.

"Yes." Noha says.
"What happened Alex?" Medelin asked seeing Alex's sudden change in expressions.
"It's... It's nothing." He says.

When Alex said nothing Noah continues on his story..
"So, we have a huge forest at the end of village.. it's called 'Beast House'. Angela used to bring medicine plants from there so we could medicines."

"If you live in Arden. What were you doing in east?" Alex broke his silence..

"I passed out in my village." Noah said..

"Then how did you suddenly woke up in east?" Alex asked suspiciously.

"I don't know. I don't remember anything..
Except. There was a blast." Noah said "A huge blast."

"So you were there." Alex said as if he was satisfied by knowing that.

"Where?" Medelin asked Alex shifting on her chair.

"In my village?, yes." Words became hard on his tongue.
"That's where.... That's when angela died."

Medelin eyed Alex as if she realised something. She was shock as if she connected some dots.

"Noah. Listen to me." Alex sounded way more serious now. His eyes locked Noah, he said.
"You village. Arden. Is no longer a place." He waited for Noah to take in the information.

When Noah said nothing, he continued, " That village is declared as deadland. The property is now under governments control."

Noah's eye winden in horror.

"This is not true... Is it?" He asked refusing to accept  the news he heard, "Tell me!!" He shouts in pain and agony.
The silence was answer enough for him...he felt broken inside...
He had at least a little hope, that even if he lost Angela, he still has her house and her presence, but now...
Everything was gone.
"Please!...." He drops to the floor.. crying, sobbing.
Medelin stands to help him... Petting his back was not helping him, but she was trying..

"Can you please tell me what happened.." Noah asked,"Everything."
Alex could not see him like that... On the floor,breaking at everyone point. But he knew how important it is for noah to know the truth.

"Will you tell me what you remember before the blast happened?" Alex asked.
"Yes." Noah was no longer crying. His eyes were red. He stand from the floor..
"Maybe you should rest a bit," Medelin suggest "we will come back later. Right Alex?" She  turned to Alex for confirmation.
"No." Noah said. "I can talk."
No time to cry...he thought.

He didn't need or rest.
All he needed was truth.

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