We met again..

8 2 4

Walking back and forth Noah was waiting for Kevin to come out of Alex's office..

They had their training session, and it was the last chance for Noah to release his crystal.. or else Alex has to put him into a different section and he won't be able to join them in the upcoming mission..

Noah was partially stressed, and totally scared, cause he had to again face the monster inside him..

Should I tell Alex?
He had thought about taking Alex's help, but he stopped himself..

"How long have you been here?", Kevin asked..
Noah did not see him coming out.. probably because he was busy stressing..

"Oh, you're here.. not much since I just got here." He lied..

"Well, good. Let's go." Kevin said.
And they started walking..

Noah heads straight for the field when Kevin calls from behind..

"Hey! Let's try somewhere else. Here..", he points to a floating piece of...

What the

"What is that?", Noah was surprised..

The thing was amazing.. it was floating in the air above the ground..

"That's one of our machines we use to travel.. it's seriously amazing." Kevin said, "come on, get on it."

Kevin shows Noah how to ride it..
"We call it Ride.", Kevin said, "careful it works using your energy..",

Noah stands on Ride, for some time it was shaking but he got hold of it.

"Then how is mine working?", Noah asked..
"Cause your energy is leaking, and it's constant.." Kevin replied..
"Then can't I use that do attacks?, i mean is it necessary to unleash my crystal?" Noah said.
"Yep, cause your leaking energy is not something you can get hold of right now, you need to hold it inside your crystal and for that your crystal needs to be prepared.." Kevin replied.

"Let's head for the jungle. We'll practice there." Kevin said,

The ride got in the air, it was hard balancing it. But Noah managed it.
They went flying, crashing the wind.. it was fun.

They landed in the jungle , in an empty place..

The jungle was deep, with strong and huge trees, the broad sunlight wasn't enough to look through..

Noah walked around to get a good look at the huge trees, branches were waving back and forth.. but there was no wind..

The sound of birds singing somewhere inside the jungle..

It felt very calm, and peaceful to Noah..
Like a warm hug..
He stands there with closed eyes.. feeling the warmth the jungle was giving..

"Hey Noah," Kevin called.

"Huh?" He turned..

"Let's begin." He said, "do it exactly the last time you did it, ok?"

"Hmm" Noah nod this time he sat there..
He somehow felt something was different today..
And maybe he can get what he wants..

He closes his eyes the only sound he was hearing, his own breath and Kevin's... going deep into darkness..the sound faded..

Once again he stepped into darkness with a hint of presence and pressure...

But this time he had something in his mind, more like a plan..

You are here?
Noah said. His voice echoed..

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