The Land Called Tabiaa

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My land is alluring..
My land is all deserving..
My land is kind and generous..

My land was blessed..
until someone came and stole it..

I wrote.. but I am sure, they will never allow it to be published, they will never let the people know we existed.. and they will kill us in silence..

Let me tell you this tale of Tabiaa.

Once upon a time.. three kingdoms lived happily..each one on its own land...and each one was blessed with its own qualities.. god blessed us equally...

My kingdom Tabiaa, we, the people called Tabiaans.
Tabiaa was blessed with nature.. jungles with unimaginable medicine plants and herbs.. strong and powerful monsters, Rich soil with power to grow anything, The mines pouring wealth... and more..

We used to trade with other countries as well.. but we never have created a hurtful relation with others.

It was about the time of summer.., I turned eighteen that day brought sorrow and blood..

As usual I used to get ready and greet my father and mother... But On every birthday of mine they used to come and wake me up.. they bring gifts and blessings.. For me it was a routine. But today they did not came.. I was a little sad, and more servant, aneesa, said, 'my lady, your highness said meet him on breakfast table..'

She too has no idea about my parents absense..

I did what I should and was told.. I got ready.. I was wearing my favourite gown that day.. the
linen,Celadon green gown, which has a net layer of lit pink flowers.. it's beautiful.. and I loved it..

I entered the dining room, i saw my mother sitting on her chair.. but my father was absent,

'Good morning, mother'. I said..
No reply.
Our Butler, Patrick. Pulled my chair for me.
I slid into my chair, my mother startled with the chairs voice..

'Oh my.. dear when did?',
she stopped.

She waited and took a full look at me..
I noticed, she looked tired.. she hasn't slept for a few nights

' My my. You look so beautiful my love.. and this gown, it suits you so much.'
She said.

'Thank you mother.' I smiled..
'And happiest birthday to our darling daughter. My god always protects you from the danger and evil that is in this world.' she closed her eyes and patted my head..

'Where is Father?' i asked...
'Oh, he is busy with something darling.. ' she said.

'Is it about the trading parties.' I asked, it's been a month. Our trade partners have been trying to pressurise my father to lower the prices for goods.. my father did lower the prices, but they are not satisfied they want some of them to be free..
My father cannot drag the price now, since many of our workers and people have suffered drastically due to changes..

Finally I met my father in evening.. he was taking a break sitting by the window in his room and trying to enjoy his afternoon..

'father,' i said, standing outside the door.

My father never had guards outside his doors, he always said, 'nobody will kill me.' he was right everyone in the kingdom loved him.. and they adored us..

He looked up from his cup of tea and said.
'OH my goodness..'  walking towards me he spread his arms and I dive right into it..

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