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I felt like a lovesick fool, not that I was in love or anything.

I had been searching for Lucy for awhile now, but to no avail. She was nowhere to be found.

Maybe she didn't come? Was a thought that kept coming into my head.

I decided that I needed a break from searching for her and to just chill and get a drink. If she is here, I'm bound to run into her sooner or later.

"Why are you here?" Dallas asked after appearing beside me.

"I was invited?" I lied.


"Where are your friends?" I wondered, though I was only really interested in the whereabouts of Lucy.

"I don't know." He answered, downing whatever was in his cup.

"Have you spoken to Grayson yet?" I asked.

"Sort of." He responded. "He had lipstick on him."


"Dal, Grayson didn't kiss that girl. That random chick just came out of nowhere and planted one on him." I explained. "She thought he was her boyfriend, but then her boyfriend tried to fight Grayson."

"Oh?" He frowned.

"Maybe you should go and find him and talk?" I gave a suggestion.

"Yeah, okay." He says, leaving his cup on the nearby counter before walking off.


He was sitting on the gutter, a joint in hand as the night air breezed through his caramel curls.

I take a seat beside him.

"I didn't think you would come." He says to me.

I didn't think I would either. I thought.

For some reason I just felt awkward around him, which doesn't even make sense. I didn't know how to explain it though.

"Mitchell told me you didn't kiss her." I say.

"Yeah." His voice is faint as he takes another drag from his joint.

I hate the smell of weed.

"Dal..." he started, taking a long pause, as if he didn't know how to proceed. "Do you even like me?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean, you don't really seem all that interested in me." He says.



"I-" Why couldn't I find the words to say?

Perhaps he was right, maybe I don't like him like I thought I did.

"Maybe we just shouldn't be together." I finally said.

Loving Grayson ✓ (Book 2, the Hating Series)Where stories live. Discover now