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Just my luck. I think to myself as it starts to rain.

Normally, I loved the rain, but not when I was stranded at the beach with no way back to my dorm.

I suppose I could call one of my friends to come and pick me up, or maybe even my brother, if I had any data.

Ever since my parents kicked me off of their data plan, I've had to fend for myself, which mostly includes me using the free campus wifi—which is the worst wifi on the planet. Honestly, McDonald's wifi would be better.

I wanted to punch myself in the face for not telling Grayson those words.

If I can say 'I love you' to a rasher of bacon, it shouldn't be so hard to say it to someone I was in love with. Yet, here I am, starting to walk back to my dorm in the rain because I couldn't let the words out.

Perhaps I was afraid?

Afraid that, despite having these feelings for Grayson, maybe he doesn't feel the same way? Or maybe it's just the unfamiliarity of it all that has me so anxious. Dallas from before he kissed Grayson would have never imagined saying those words to someone, or even fall in love with someone. Honestly, I used to assume that I would spend eternity alone.

When I make it onto the footpath, a car pulls up on the road beside me.

Am I about to be kidnapped by the mafia? What my first thought until I realised whose vehicle it was.

"Get in." Grayson coldly demanded.

I stood there, rain sprinkling from the skies as I stared at him through the passenger side window.

"Just get in." He demanded, again.

I take a breath before complying.

He has the stereo playing, and the ac is set to warm.

"You didn't have to come back for me." I tell him. "But I'm glad you did."


Honestly, I was starting to wonder if he was in his mute era or something.

"Grayson, I know that I have been a shitty person, the shittiest! But, you can't just ignore me." I look over at him and his eyes are glued to the road. His jaw clenches, but after a moment, it relaxes back into it's resting state.

Silence was his response, as if to say 'yes I can ignore you' to me.

I'm just going to rip off the Band-Aid and tell him.


I'm going to do it.

I'm saying it.

Those three words...

Say it, Dallas!

But what if he doesn't feel the same way?

Of course he does!

Dude literally got jumped for you!

"I love you." I blurted out the words in a panic, my heart palpitating inside of my chest as I nervously pick at my fingernails and avoid all eye contact whilst awaiting his response—if he even had a response.

The car comes to an abrupt halt in the middle of the road.

"What did you just say?" He breathes.

"Don't pretend like you didn't hear me." I quipped, nervously biting my bottom lip.

"I want you to say it again." His voice is serene and smooth—like a fine whiskey being aged.

"Uh, okay...." I mustered up the courage to repeat myself, but this time I would add a little flair. "I love you, Grayson Evander Scott."

He smiled.

Even with a cut on his lip, his smile was beautiful.

And those eyes.

Those piercing blue eyes.

I've never wanted him more.

"I love you too, little Cooper." He says after a minute of silence.

I sighed with relief—a warm feeling spreading through my body.

"But this doesn't change anything." He says, causing that warmth I was feeling inside to decline.

"Oh?" Was all I could mutter.

"I'm still leaving." He added.

Well this is awkward and embarrassing...

Is Grayson Scott rejecting me right now?

I couldn't find the words to say. I mean, were there even any words to say in this situation? If so, I would love some notes.

"Come with me." He entreated me, his right hand resting on my left forearm.


"Come with me." He repeated for my clarification. "I still have some money, and with my tuition being withdrawn, I might get some of that back. We can go anywhere we want."

"Are you being serious?" I asked. Honestly, I wasn't too sure.

"Yes." He answered.

I thought on it for a moment.

Was he truly asking me to drop out of college and go with him?

And was I seriously considering this?

My parents would murder me for leaving school.

They would murder me and then they would probably frame Grayson.

A vehicle from behind us beeped their horn, stirring me from my thoughts and startling me. Grayson puts the car in drive and proceeds down the street before finding a park.

"Grayson..." I nervously gulped before looking into his eyes. His big, stupid blue eyes that could lure sailors to their deaths.

How can I say no to that face?

"Okay." I gave an answer, though I was hardly sure about it.

"Really?" He asked for clarification.

I take a moment before answering him. "Yes, really."

He smiled before leaning in to kiss me, his hands cupping my face and keeping me in place. I kiss him back, more passionately urgent than ever.

Frenching in his car brought back memories.

I can't believe it.

We were doing this.

No, not that, get your mind out of the gutter.

We were leaving school.

Can I really just leave?

I mean, where would Grayson and I even go?

What would we do?

A text came through on my phone, which caused me to pull away from Grayson.

"Hmm." He frowned.

"Hold on." I tell him, pulling out my phone to see if it was important or not.

If I am being honest, a huge part of me thought that my parents had somehow telepathically discovered my plans and were texting me to not be an idiot.

But it was just Cody texting our group chat. The last time we used the group chat, I had no clue.

Cody to the group:
Party tonight, off campus.

Pls come.

I look over to Grayson. "Wanna go to a party?"

"Really?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, really. I can't just leave my friends without telling them." I say.

He takes a deep breath before sighing with defeat. "Fine."

Me to the group:
Will be there!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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