Chapter 10

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Frantically, I run around the room gathering my things. Tyler is out of prison. What does that mean for me? What do I do? Where do I go?

Only one place crosses my mind; my parents. My parents, Allison and Christian live on their own island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. I've only been there once before, and that was years ago. But where else am I supposed to go? I can't stay in this hotel, I can't stay in this city, I can't even stay in this state. He'll find me. I know he will. Flying to my parent's island seems like my last hope. I decide that I should probably call them to tell them of my treacherous week. They answer on the third ring.


"Mom? Is that you? This is Kaitlin," I say.

"Kaitlin! How are you?" Allison says.

"Mom, I'd love to make small talk, but I have something huge going on and I need your help."

My mom's voice lowers,

"What's wrong?"

"It's a long story and I don't have much time to explain, so long story short; there is a man who is after me and I need to come to your island and stay with you until he is caught again."


"Mom, are you there?"

She starts to sob into the phone,

"Oh my lord. Honey If you're in danger, you need to get her soon. Ill call one of the private jets on the mainland to come and get you, and fly you out here."

"Alright," I say," Its going to be okay mom."

I hear her take a deep breath,

"You don't know that," she whispers,"I'm having Christian call the jet now."

"Okay, mom."

There is a long pause,

"Can you be ready in 20 minutes?" my mom finally says.

"Yes. I'll see you soon," I say and I hang up.

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