Chapter 18

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I feel a sudden chill run down my spine and spread to the ends of my fingertips.

Connor died 12 years ago..

My head starts to ache and I try to think back to when I was introduced to Connor.


There is a bright flash of light, and then a fossilized memory fills my vision...

I was young, maybe 7 years old. The air was hot, the grass was green, and there I sat on a swing by myself, crying.
A young boy approached me and placed a hand softly on my shoulder,

"Are you alright?"

"Yes. I-I think I'm fine," I said embarrassed by the tears flowing from my eyes. I rubbed a spot on my elbow and my fingers came back bloody.

"You're bleeding! Come with me," the boy said.

I was led to a tall dark-haired woman with bright eyes, and she put a bandage over my elbow.

"That's my mom," said the boy smiling. He held his hand out to me, "I'm Connor. Connor Evans."


I shake my head and open my eyes.

I met Connor 12 years ago?

Why did I not remember this before...

"How did he die?" I ask Ryan.

"Look, I think you need some rest. We should continue the questioning when we're back on the mainland," says Ryan.

"No, I don't need rest. I need to know how Connor died," I say.

Ryan gives me a look, but I ignore it. If he expects me to change my mind, he is strongly mistaken.

"It was 12 years ago on October 12. Connor's parents were driving with you and Connor. You all got into a terrible car accident, and you were the only one who survived. You were very lucky. However, you suffered severe brain damage."

Brain damage?

"So you're saying I've been imagining this entire thing?" I ask, even though I already know the answer.

"You've imagined the things that are unclear to you. You imagined Connor there for you when you needed it most. You imagined Tyler killing everyone, because you couldn't cope with the fact that Connor is dead and that you killed your friend and your parents."

My heart starts beating quickly and I shake my head to get the sound of it out of my ears.

"Tyler came here to get you. Once we found out that you killed Brianna, we sent him after you," continues Ryan.

"I met Tyler before Brianna died.." I say in a hushed voice.

"That was a mere coincidence. We had no idea that you two would meet just a few days before Brianna's death. Or that he would develop feelings for you," Ryan glares at Tyler.

"Maybe I did start to have feelings for you, but that all ended the night you killed Brianna," says Tyler without the slightest hint of emotion in his voice.

"We're going to have to bring you back to the mainland now, Miss Reid," says Ryan.

He unties my hands from the chair and locks cuffs over my wrists. Taking me by the arm, he leads me outside to the helicopter. The same helicopter that Connor brought me to before he got shot in my imagination...

I turn my head to look back at Tyler, but his gaze never meets my eyes.

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