Chapter 13

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My eyes flutter open to pure darkness. I can feel the blindfold digging into the sides of my head, and the only noise I can hear is the sound of my own breathing, which is rapid. I try to get up, only to be restrained by something around my feet and arms. I'm laying down in what feels like, a bed.

I hear the door open and quiet slow footsteps nearing me. My heart accelerates, as the person bends down to the side of the bed.

"Do you know why you're here, Kaitlin," says the man.

Already I can recognize the voice belongs to Tyler.

I shake my head and tears begin to fall from my eyes, being absorbed by the cloth of the blindfold.

Tyler laughs, a slow menacing laugh.

"You're here, because you put me in jail. And you're going to pay for doing that to me."

I sob, and my blindfold becomes soaking wet with tears. I move my leg and feel my broken ankle is turning into a new sort of excruciating pain.

Tyler rips the blindfold off of me and looks me straight in the eyes,

"Now, you owe me for throwing me in jail. So I have something...special planned," he says with a grin.

His face sends a chill running up my back.

He slaps me and glares at me,

"Don't try anything stupid." and he walks out of the room, closing the door once again.

Once he's gone, the view of the room finally goes into focus.

I'm in my parents basement. The guest bedroom, to be specific. The door sits on the opposite side of the room, almost directly in front of the bed. To the left of me is a small side table. The only thing on top of it is a watch. To my right is a chair and a small window near the ceiling. The sunlight coming in is minimal, so I assume it must be getting late. A sudden thought hits me. What happened with Connor? Did he ever call? Probably. He's likely already on his way by now. I move my leg to feel around for my phone. Its gone.

Tyler returns seconds later,

"You're going to die Kaitlin. Only I'm not going to make it quick and easy. I'm going to make you suffer a long pain full death. But, I don't want to do the hard work, so you're going to do it for me," he throws a dirty shovel onto the bed, which lands on my ankle. I grimace at the pain, and bite my lip to keep the tears from flowing again. His expression darkens,

"As soon as I get you out of these restraints, you're going to dig your own grave."

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