Chapter 14

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Tyler unties my hands and I tumble onto the floor.

"You better get working," he says.

I wince again at the pain flowing from my ankle, and stand up on my one good leg. I limp over to the door, using the shovel as a crutch. He swings the door open and leads me out to my parents' large greenhouse, to the rose garden.

Instinctively, I carefully step around the delicate flowers, while Tyler carelessly treads on them. We finally reach a large section of dirt. It looks as if my parents were going to continue their garden here.

"You've got 48 hours to dig your grave. If you take any longer than that, I'm going to make your death even more painful," says Tyler.

I nod, expressionless.

Tyler turns to walk away, and I see the glimmer of something in his pocket. I squint to get a better look, and spot a cell phone. My cell phone, and its ringing.

Tyler stops in his tracks and glances down at his pocket. The phone continues to ring. He sighs and picks up the phone to look at the caller ID. Smirking, he turns around,

"Your boyfriend is calling."

Boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend...I've never had one. Only one name crosses my mind, Connor. But how does Tyler know about Connor?

"Its too bad he won't get to kiss you goodbye," he smiles.

He throws the phone against the wall and the screen shatters into a million pieces.

He rushes towards me and slaps me across my face, making my cheek turn a bright pink color.

"I think that's enough interruptions for one day," he says sternly and walks back into the house, locking the door behind him.

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