Chapter one

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My breath is coming out in short quick pants, as I'm running down the long dark hallways of this maze. The walls towering over me from either side of me. The only light illuminating the dark narrow hallways are the small red lights equally spaced out along the corridor. The sound of my footsteps echoing down the corridor in a never-ending loop.

An earth shattering growl makes the walls shudder, as I run further and further through this maze. My lungs burning. My legs shaking more and more the harder and faster I run.

Turning around a corner, I run full speed further down the dark hallway. Not able to see anything. Right before I crash into the wall. A dead end?! No it can't be a dead end. Another growl interrupts my thinking before I slowly turn, around. Terrified for whatever will greet me on the other end of the hallway. Slowly turning around my eyes meet the glowing sea blue eyes that have been torturing me for several weeks. Those are the only identifiable thing to do with this man. That's even if this 'thing' is a man. I never see his face. No matter how many times I have this dream, he is always faceless.

I take several steps back as he comes closer and closer to me. The air thickening up with tension. My back hits the wall hard, as he keeps taking steps closer and closer. The bones in my back feeling they're about to be crushed from pushing myself into the wall so hard. If only I had the a superpower to travel through walls. A whimper escapes me as his face gets closer to mine, his breath ghosting over my face. A dark hand reaches up towards my face, as I close my eyes preparing for my certain death.

Warmth encompasses my right cheek, as I open my eyes to see this strangers hand cupping my cheek. His fingers caressing the soft skin of my cheekbone, before his hand starts travelling down towards my neck. Sudden pain takes over, my lungs not able to take in any air, as this strangers hand tightens around my neck. Looking back into the stranger's eyes I'm taken aback by the glowing red of them that greets me, before my eyes start to slowly close.

My eyes snap open as I jolt up from my bed, gasping for air. My lungs taking in air at a rapid pace. This dream has been bothering me for several weeks. It's the same dream ever since I've been working at pacific Laboratories. Every time. I say work there it's really not very interesting. When people ask where you work and you say Pacific laboratories, they assume you must be very smart to work in the world's best laboratory. Yeah well you wouldn't be thinking that when I say that I'm just a cleaner. Not exactly how I thought my career would go, but hey you've got to start off somewhere.

I look to the left of my bed and see that my alarm clock says 7:54 a.m. In other words, I was running late. I rip the bed coverings off of my body, shivering at the cold morning air and run to my closet, pulling out the all-white uniform that is assigned to almost everyone—the guards being the only ones who are truly permitted to wear black in the facility.

I quickly run to the bathroom, grabbing my toothbrush, and pull on my clothes while I brush my teeth. I quickly tie my long, thick brown hair into a ponytail by grabbing the white scrunchie on the side next to my mirror, then I quickly grab my bag from the back of the chair and head out of my tiny apartment. A bucket standing in the corner of the room collecting water drops from the leak I have in the ceiling. One day I'll be able to afford to get it fixed, along with some of the peeling paint.

To be completely honest, I don't mind working at Pacific Laboratories; it's just I feel like there has to be something more for me. Something I was destined to accomplish, as if I were meant for something more. Even though that sounds corny.

I didn't have the best childhood when I was younger. My mum was involved in a car accident when I was five years old, when she was en route to work. It left her dead on impact. At that point, my dad started abusing alcohol and drugs to make up for the loss of my mother. After she left, he was never the same. And neither was I. None of us were.

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