Chapter three

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I freeze, as I feel a warm hard chest against my back. Two strong arms encompasses me around the waist. A strong masculine scent reaching my nose, instantly calming me. calming me? The hell. Hands gently caress my sides, as if trying to calm me down. A growl escaping his chest, as he pulls me further away from the door and more into the darkness.

Another whimper escapes my lips as we go further into the room, my eyes trying to make out even a small slither of light. But there's nothing. He tightens his hold around my waist, another growl coming from his chest. But why do I have a feeling that he's not actually growling at me? Is this what they were talking about? When they told me to never enter this room? They say 'it's' inhuman. They said 'it's' a beast. But what is it? Am I going to die? Is this how it all ends? Me running from the monster Lucas, just to run into the arms of another.

Oh how the world is laughing at me now. I've went from living with the monster of my father, to the monsters of Lucas and his boy toy group and now.... well now I decided to make the stupidest decision of my life and enter the room they say never to enter. The world must hate me for this to happen, I'm never going to get a break. I'm stuck in a room with an inhuman being.... why universe why?

Bright lights in the room suddenly turn on, as I squint my eyes trying to adjust to the brightness of the room. Looking around the room I entered I immediately noticed it was completely white. Typical. Mostly everything is in this place. A tiny bed with thin white sheets that didn't seem very comfortable to lay on, a washbasin and a toilet were all situated in the room's corner. There is a big mirror on the other side of the room; it looks like it has one-way glass so they can see inside, but I can't see what's behind me.

I try to control my tears, to rid clear the blurriness in my eyes getting ready to greet whatever is behind me. Oh... this is how I die.

I slowly turn my head afraid of what I'm about to see. But as my dull brown eyes meet the light sea blue eyes of the man I freeze. This isn't a beast or a monster, it's just a man. A handsome man, but nonetheless still a man. His thick black hair is brushed towards the back of his head with small little locks falling across his eyebrow and eye, as his eyes stare back into mine. My head just reaching his broad chest. Jesus, this man is a giant. I look down at the arms holding me to see tan skin, making me look so much more paler than him. I could blend into the white walls of the room and no one would notice.

His breaths come in and out fast as I stare back at him. Little lights sparkling in his eyes. Who is he? He tilts his head to the side as I return my eyes back to him, as the tears from earlier start to dry on my cheeks, causing my skin to feel dry. He raises one of his hands towards my cheek, as he wipes away one the tears that is seeping into the skin of my cheekbone. Our eyes locking once more, his breathing becoming more calm and slow.

A sudden burst of guards enter the room, as another black door I didn't notice before, opposite us opens. Men dressed in all black, with thick bullet vests enter the room all holding guns towards me. Or rather the man behind me. His arms quickly move as he turns me to the side of his body, enabling me to hide behind his tall frame, blocking me from the guards whilst still making sure he keeps contact with me.

A vicious growl erupts throughout the room making the one way glass in the room vibrate. He pushes me away from the men surprisingly gently, making my back come in contact with the wall. His hand keeping contact with the skin of my wrist, as if he feels comfort in making sure that he's keeping skin to skin contact.

A crackling comes through the speakers I notice in the upper corners of the room.

"Miss Hart. Can you hear me?" a voice says through the crackling speakers, echoing throughout the room. Who the hell is that?

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