Chapter seven

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A tap on my shoulder awakens me from my warm, cosy sleep, and I open my eyes to see Caleb's form hunkered down next to mine, and Doctor Michaelson in the corner, scowl on his face. This guy doesn't smile much does he?

"What's going on?" I mutter groggily into the white pillow beside my head. Wait, pillow? I immediately try to sit up, but I can't due to a large, warm arm around my waist. What? I move my head to the right to see Titus' sleeping face. His body resting on the small space left on the bed, whilst I however take up most of the space. His face looks so soft and content.

How did I get here? 

Me being the weakling I am, tried to move the massive arm from around me, but Titus' arm didn't even budge. What is this guy made of?

"You have been sleeping for a few hours now. Don't worry, we sedated him while he was out. It was far easier than coping with his wrath when you needed to leave. Doctor Michaelson said you may leave so he can plan some more tests for tomorrow." Caleb explained before moving away to adjust Titus' arm. We ended up needing to do some teamwork, which required him lifting his arm and me crawling out from underneath. Which resulted in my tumbling to the floor in a heap. 

"Owie! What tests?" I ask suddenly grabbing onto the words he just said, as I right myself on the floor, tying my hair back up which had fallen out of the ponytail in my sleep.

"Not sure yet. Doctor Michaelson's going over them with some other scientists, and the rest of the team."

I simply nodded before standing up and turning to face Titus, who had a frown on his face and wrinkled brows rather than appearing pleased in his slumber. My brows furrow wondering what's wrong?

"It's almost like he knows you're gone." Caleb said slightly laughing at this situation. I go towards the bed, attempting to shove his legs onto the bed since he was allowing me to take up the most of the room.

"Jesus this guy is heavy." I grunt finally managing to get his positioned into a somewhat comfy position on the bed. He just might have a little bit of a neck ache when he wakes up.

"He seems taken with you." He said looking back at me.

"Yeah... I'm not sure why, though; we literally just met this week." I shrugged as we both exited the heavy glass door to Titus' room.

"Maybe he sees something deep within your soul... Or it could just be it's the first time he's seen a female around his age." He said playfully whilst chuckling, as we walked past the scientist's and the guards in the room who all seem preoccupied. 

"What are you doing for the rest of the day anyway?" I ask.

"At the minute nothing. I'm supposed to be watching over you but since you're going home, I'll most likely be sitting with the other guards as they make crude comments about some of the people that work here." Caleb said disgusted.

Im sorry... what?

"The guards do that?" I look around the room at the guards, trying not to make it obvious that we're talking about them. 

"Some do. It's usually those five guys over there. Don't look!... The rest of us don't tend to sit with them because of the comments they make. They think they're the superior beings in this place and the rules don't apply to them... Higher security levels and all that. " He sighs guiding me through the door.

"Well... I don't know about you but I'm craving ice cream?" I said with a smile, grabbing my bag and jacket off the chair, trying to change the subject. 

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