Chapter two

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I jolt up from my bed once again as the same dream plagues my mind. The same ice blue eyes. The same blood red eyes. My certain death by 'it's'... 'his' hands. It always ends the same.

In my death.

I slouch my head against my knees as I take in deep gulps of air, it's almost like I'm thirsty for it. Wiping the sweat off my forehead with my shirt sleeve, I shake my head to rid myself of my sleep and memories of the dream. 

Perhaps I ought to see a therapist. No, they'd believe I'm insane. Heck, I think I would come across as more insane than people admitted to a mental health facility. I would be a laughing stock, as I think about being taken away as Lucas and his group watch me being dragged through the doors of Pacific laboratories.

Getting out of bed I make my way towards the bathroom to get ready for my early shift today. I'm hoping to get there earlier so that I don't run into Lucas again, but no matter how hard I try I always seem to run into him. He's like an uncontrollable plague that cannot be ridden of.

Stripping I get into the shower the warm droplets of water cascading down my skin, helping to calm me down. Washing away the memories that came back to me from my earlier dream, but those blue and red eyes can't seem to leave my mind. Like they're ingrained into my mind. 

I examine my appearance in the mirror as I put on my all-white uniform. My long, thick, warm brown hair, which falls just above my waist. Waves of gentle light passing through it. My dull brown eyes, which seem to be merely surviving rather than truly living, are staring back at me in the mirror. Eye bags from not getting enough sleep. Those nightmares will do that to you though, when you dream of a blue and red eyed man murdering you.

I quickly empty the bucket in the corner of the room, emptying the water down the sink as I place it back under the leak in my ceiling. Shivering at the cold morning air. My apartment walls are thin, and are probably getting even thinner as I speak. 

I step out of my apartment and inhale deeply, the cold autumn air burning my nostrils. I've always had an unusually pale complexion that almost gives me a ghostly appearance. I've been self-conscious about my fair skin ever since I was a baby because I can never get a tan, no matter how hard I try. I just burn, and my skin turns ghostly pale again as soon as it heals. I'm not like those other beautiful girls with their toned stomachs and tanned skin. Of course I'm insecure, but I mean who isn't?

I have a little bit of fat in my stomach and thighs, making me look curvier than most people. As well as also being a lot smaller than most people. Life's unfair. 

As I take in another deep breath all I get is the smell of cigarettes and the smell of pollution rise into my nostrils, making my nose and face wrinkle up in disgust. This is one of he reasons I need to get out of here. The others well you can probably guess what those are.

I don't live in the best of neighbourhoods, but I'm just happy that I have a place to call my own. I place where I feel safe. Well... as safe as you can feel in an apartment like mine. And by safe I mean after locking the four different locks that I have on my front door. Small houses line down the street, trash lying around people's front gardens in the road. Drunk men.... and women on the street either coming or going to get their daily dose of alcohol in the early hours of the morning. The daily drug dealings going on early, as they dodge the morning police rounds across the city.

Walking down the path on my usual route, I carry on my way towards Pacific laboratories. Hoping for a good day ahead of me, if I will ever get one of those.


I'm currently cleaning up a some unknown vile of light blue liquid that has been spilled on the floor in one of the labs. This happens to me every day. A weird, colourless liquid that was on the ground, occasionally even on the ceiling and on counters. Although I'm not really sure how they get it on the ceiling. I grabbed some rubber gloves off the side and then a mop and some cloth, fearing that it would be some kind of acid. I dont need any acid burns to add to my collection of scars. You can never be too careful really. I haven't seen Lucas yet this morning, so I'd prefer not to ruin this lucky day. It's starting to seem like he might not have shown up for work. Which works out even better for me.

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