Chapter five

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The 'beast' slowly rises from across the room, maintaining eye contact with me as my heart rate quickens. He gets up from his firm mattress and approaches the window a few feet away from us at a slow pace. Like yesterday, his shoulders and knees hunched as though he was trying not to frighten me again.

I internally smile at this. Why would he by trying not to scare me? He literally was the most aggressive I've seen anyone yesterday, and yet.... he always looked at me so softly. I mean not to mention his big he is, he could crush me with his hand if he wanted to.

I feel like my heart is about to come out of my chest, as it beats faster and faster the closer that he gets. It's as if time is moving in slow motion. It feels like forever until he's standing in front of me, his massive figure towering over mine, as we both just stare up at each other. Well it's more like me staring up at him, and him staring down due to the big height difference. But you get what I'm trying to say.

Slowly his tanned hand rises towards me, as he presses it softly against the glass, which separates us. Deciding to try something out, I raise my shaky hand even slower scared for what might happen. My pale hand makes contact with the cool class as my hand covers his. Jeez! His hands are massive. One hand of his could be like two of mine! I watch as his eyes light up a small smile on his face.

He raises another hand towards the glass, this time pushing against it, as if trying to see if he could walk through it. That's not how glass works buddy.

A frown suddenly takes over his face, as he places his hands harder against the glass. I watch his muscles strain in his arms and hands, him pushing even harder against the glass. What is he trying to do?

A growl escapes him, the glass vibrating a little bit due to how strong it was. A bang against the glass makes me take a step back, jumping terrified. His eyes meeting mine again with another frown and.... desperation? But what is he desperate for?

His eyes start darting everywhere from looking at the glass, to his hands, to me, to Doctor Michaelson and then back to his hands and me before doing that all over again. Both his hands start making contact with the glass harder and harder each time. Me being the stupid person I am takes more steps back, scared that the glass is about to break any second now.

"Don't worry the glass won't break. You'll find that this glass was made to not even break if a bomb went off in the building." Doctor Michaelson said with a bored and frustrated expression on his face.

Sometimes I think this guy can read my mind or something. It wouldn't surprise me really by the amount of experiments that I've heard his done. He's a well know scientist around the globe, and has been nominated for many awards.

As I watch his anger begin to consume him, the banging gets harder and harder and louder. His eyes lost in the wave of rage, his breathing irregular. Seeing him this way almost makes me sad. similar to his loss. He's lost in a wave of melancholy and rage, using all of his strength to pound the glass. The glass strained and vibrated, giving the impression that it would break at any moment. Please don't break. Please...

He has the same look on his face, from the other day in his cell. He's full of so much anger and pain I can't help but think of the look my father had before he.... yeah.

I decide to just go for it and move cautiously in the direction of the glass once more while he continues to snarl and rap on it. Once more, I reach up to touch the cool glass with my pale hand. I watch as he pauses suddenly, his fist in mid air as he he moves his eyes between my hand and my face. Raising his hand up again he placed it against mine, but this time a strange sound comes from his chest. Almost like a... whine?

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