Chapter four

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I'm currently lying on the hard wood floor in the living room spread out in a starfish shape, as I stare up at the ceiling going over every detail of what happened today.

"Okay wait" said Julian who was lying upside down on the sofa with his legs where your head should be, and his head touching the floor.

"You met a man which they call the 'beast'..." making sure to use his fingers for quotation marks, "after running from Lucas, that little bitch." He sneered. "You trespassed.... and this.... man? Grabbed you and hugged you?" He questioned, tilting his head to the side. He looks like a confused puppy.

"He didn't hug me Julian we've been over this." I groaned as I put my arm across my eyes to try and get rid of the migraine that was forming behind my eyes.

"He put his arms around you Eudora. That right there... is just a big bear hug." He stated like it was the most simplistic thing to understand in the world."

"He was probably just feeling threatened." I reason, which I mean.... they were pointing guns at him. So let's be honest here, he was feeling threatened. His other behaviours.... I can't explain that.

"And then.... you were offered a job to work with him?" He paused.

"What does that even mean? Work with him how?"

"I don't know Julian, he left before I could even question him about this." 

There was a long pause between the both of us if we both think it over. I know what you're thinking, why would you agree to work for someone when you have no clue what that job implies. Well... I'm desperate, I'm barely hanging on by a thread when paying my bills, and I already owe Julian a lot of money for the food he keeps bringing round. Even though he's already said no a hundred times, but I still feel bad. 

"Was he hot?" Julian questioned, breaking the silence whilst he turns to look at me. 

Excuse me what?

"Was that the the only thing you picked up from my conversation with you?" I ask giving him an are you serious look. Sighing, I move to lie on my stomach to face him.

"Well.... no but I'm interested to know?"

"Why are you saying it like a question?" I ask awfully confused by Julian's change in behaviour.

"Just shut up and tell me." He asks again. He's not going to drop this is he? Fine I'll indulge him.

As I explain what the 'beast' looked like to him, from what I could remember Julian just looked completely out of it. Like he was just imagining him in great detail in his mind, slowly going off into whatever dream land he has just entered.

"Julian?" I pause waiting for a reaction.

"Julian?" Nothing.

"Julian?!"...... Nothing.

"JULIAN!" I shout grabbing the pillow beside me before launching it at him.

"Ow! Not this beautiful face. I need to impress Caleb with this masterpiece!" He shouted, sitting up properly on the sofa and grabbing the pillow before holding it to his chest.

"He sounds hot." Julian states, giving me a cheeky wink. What is the wink supposed to mean?

"I thought you wanted Caleb?" I asked, sighing knowing what's about to happen.

"My sweet Eudora. I said he was hot. I didn't say he was my type." He teased, rolling his eyes.

I just hum at him before tidying up the mess we made earlier. I ended up ranting on the phone earlier telling him something crazy happened. He hung up immediately and didn't answer when I called him again. He knocked on my door less than five minutes later with so much food, I was beginning to think how we would eat it all with just us two.

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