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Next morning.

In busan.

Kook wake up from his sleep when hear his mother calling his name. He whines and makes the whole circle in bed while laying . He groans when his hear his mom shout.

He got up from his bed and went to the bathroom with sleepy eyes.He brushed his teeth and took a warm shower and wore simple clothes because he had to travel to Seoul today, it was Saturday.  And he has to start college from Monday.He has the whole Sunday to settle himself; his parents are also going with him. He got fully ready and went down to the breakfast table. He had put all the stuff down yesterday, only one bag was left: He take that last bag and sits beside his parents.

Jungkook smile at his parents and said "good morning mom and dad "... His parents smile and greet back "good morning baby/boy."..his mom kiss his forehead and said "baby i make you favourites food okay eat whatever you wants".... She wipes his tears and kook look at her with sad eyes and hugg her "mom why are being so sad ,I will come on holidays don't cry mom".. kook said while wiping her tears. His father looked at them with adoration and said ," okay eat your breakfast fast We have to leave too".. kook nod his head and start eating his favourite dishes And lastly drank his favorite banana milk.

Kook put his all bags and boxes car trunk and closed it. He went behind his house.He saw a little girl sitting in the corner He went to him and said "Don't cry, I will go to Seoul, find your parents and tell them about you. And don't bother anyone because I will age soon"... The child nodded and said, "Will you tell them that they will not be able to see me or talk to me because now I am dead?"... Kook nodded and said, I can see you and talk to you, I will tell them what you want. The girl shook her head cutely.kook touched her hair lovingly and then he heard his dad's voice. He said bye to the girl and went towards the car.His dad said to him "where did you go till now?"..kook smiled and said " just roaming around "..  Kook's dad hummed and said "let's go, your mother has already sat inside the car"...

Kook hurriedly sat in the car and then he start his journey busan to seoul.

In seoul.

Tae wake up hearing sound of his alarm he sat on his bed. He yawn and strech hid hand he smile to himself and ran to hm bathroom to complete his morning routine.

He make himself simple breakfast and enjoy his moring. He wore a cream shirt and brown pants. He looked at himself in the mirror, smiled and picked up his bag. He put the water bottle and his laptop in it. He put on his shoes and locked his apartment. Entered the elevator and pressed the button for the basement. After reaching the basement, he sat in his car and drove towards his work.

In 30 minutes he reach bangtan college. He came out of the car, took his bag from the back seat and locked the car. He entered inside the college.Both boys and girls are  swooning over him Everyone is whispering to each other that how handsome he is how dashing he looking. Some were happy to see him, some were going crazy for him like fangirls and boys. But he ignored all this and reached his personal office. where jin is already there.

Tae enter and look at jin with done face and said "hyung what are you doing?"... "I am watching my world wide handsome face in mirror", jin said looking himself in s mirror and setting his hair. Tae shook his head and sit on his chair. He open his bag and take out his laptop. He start checking his emails and students assignment.

Jin frowned when tae didn't say anything. he went towards him and slap his back of head and said "why didn't you say anything   ." .... Tae whined and said "What should I say now?"...  Of course,  praise my face "... He looked at him and gave him a  fake smile and "wow you are very handsome "... Jin smile and said "of course i am"...

"Jin hyung please Do your work. You know that freshers are coming on Monday and I have to check their class schedule and then I also have to do research."... Tae said while typing on his laptop. Jin hummed and start working.

Tae spent his whole day taking class checking their assignments and tests and listening to Jin's dad joke. He complete his day with Like every day.

He completed his day and after having dinner with the hubbys, when he reached home, he took a warm shower and fell on the bed. He knows that he has so much work on Monday so he will spend his Sunday resting.Just thinking about Sunday brought a smile on his face and he drift in sleep thinking about taking rest.


Jungkook reached Seoul in the afternoon. His parents helped him to set up his apartments. he set up his room and had lunch with his parents. After spending his whole afternoon with his parents  but his parents have left for Busan before evening.

His mother gave him advice and she hugged him and told him to take care of himself. Kook wiped his mother's tears and asked her to take care of herself too.His dad hugged him and said if he needed anything, let him know. And take care yourself . And remember that you go out wearing your glasses.

He nod his head and said goodbye to his parents When his parents left, he felt sad that now he would have to live alone. He spent the rest of the time arranging his clothes and carrying things here and there.

He ordered dinner at night and after eating, washed his plate and took a warm bath  day  doing all this, he lay down on the bed and a smile appeared on his face. He is very tired He does so many things today. And tomorrow Sunday: He  decides to find the parents of that girl child.Thinking about all this, hd don't know when he fell asleep.

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Second chapter...... I hope you enjoy.

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