🔪 christmas special [lemon]

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Warning: lemon


 I know it's not Christmas yet but there's a chance that I'll end the story before Christmas, so you guys get it early :p This chapter is not completely canon to the main plot. Enjoy~

"Ahh- ah... I seriously can't do it anymore..." Rody had tears in his eyes.

Vince looked at him threateningly. "You said you wanted to try. So fucking enjoy it."

"THE COOKIES ARE SO FUCKING SOUR!!!! HOW MANY LEMONS DID YOU PUT???" Rody put them back into his plate.

"Don't waste it Rody. I'm planning to use up quite a lot of lemons."

Yeah, the lemons from the storage room in chap 3, do you guys remember

"Okay let's see, we can make lemon cakes, lemon tarts, lemon cinnamon rolls, lemon croissants, lemon donuts..."

"Can you make lemon macarons?"

"Yeah sure. But you have to finish your cookie."

Rody looked down at the cookie with an unexpectedly sad expression.

"Okay okay nevermind, you can come make macarons with me"


Unfortunately Rody was stuck with making the egg shell crust instead of the filling, because he knew that Vince was gonna make it fucking inedible as hell. If you've never made cream out of egg whites by hand you won't understand THE PAIN OF MAKING THEM. LIKE NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU MIX IT NEVER BECOMES CREAMY AND THERS ONLY SMALL BUBBLES WILL I FINISH MAKING THE CREAM OR WILL THE CREAM FINISH ME???!??!?//1??

"Vince this isn't working!"

"You've literally only been whisking for 5 minutes."

"How much longer is it gonna take???"

"Usually 12 minutes I think, but if you keep on slacking off it's gonna take longer."


"Do you want macarons or not?"

"...How many lemons are you putting in?"


"Oh thank god-"

"...a dozen."


"If YOU won't eat it  will."


[Rody wasn't allowed to make anything after that cause the procedures were too precise. He complained a lot about that too. He was allowed to add the filling though. Afterwards they also made some other small pastries.]

Rody brushed his hands and looked around. "Is there anything else we can add? I mean to the house, it just doesn't feel... festive?"

Vince suddenly laughed. Rody eyed him confusedly.

Livestock don't beg for their lives~ (vincent x rody)  ;))Where stories live. Discover now