🔪 sunset confessions

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Snow had already covered the pavements and the beige rooftops of town cafes. The air was misty whenever Vince exhaled. It was frigid outside.

It had been a few weeks already.

Sauntering around made him prone to overthinking.

He missed Rody. There were a million different ways to describe the throbbing feeling in his chest, but “I miss him” was the most adept, as much as he would like to deny it. God, he shouldn't have even hired him, then none of this would be happening…

Was sending Rody home too hasty a decision? Should he have said something to him before leaving? Would that ruin the opportunity to get rid of him? He had no choice but to close the gap, had he? Could there have been any better alternative?

Move on, man.

He just felt sort of… empty. Rody had somewhat became a big part of his life. And he would like something, anything, anything, to fill in that indescribable part of him.

Oh seriously, you're going to torture him for days then send him home without a word and pity yourself?

Recently he didn't have much energy to concentrate on his own restaurant, even. He kinda felt bad for that too. Talk about conscentiousness. It didn't have a very bright outlook.

The sun was setting into a mauvish purple tint in the sky, not to mention it was snowing harder too. It was time for dinner, but he didn't really have an appetite, despite his recent regaining of taste.

You know you've been aimlessly strolling around for the last few hours?

He turned around the street and started heading back. La guelle de saturne  was on a different street from most of the other cafes, although close. It was Sunday and his restaurant wasn't open anyway. Turning to the restaurant, the dark windows were rather a contrast to the livelier side of the town.

Snow weighed down his footsteps and he instantly felt lighter as he entered the room. Peace. It was dark and quiet, and he preferred it like that. Only if… maybe if someone else was here it would feel less lonely.

No sooner had he closed the door when the doorbell rang.

Vince opened the door.

He immediately regretted it.

It was Rody, covered in snow, half of his scarf untucked and breathing heavily, his hand on the door for support. He had obviously ran after him.

“Wha- I- Rody…?”

Vince looked at Rody with disbelief, although he could clearly feel his face starting to burn despite the frost. He had been thinking about him so much that seeing him in real life was a totally different feeling.

“No, um- wait, just hear me out-” he gasped between breaths.

“Rodykindlyfuckoff-” Vince said, annoyed and closing the door.

“Wait- stop!” he held it open.



Awkward silence. They both realized how loud they were.

“Umm… what I mean is…” continued Rody, scratching his neck from embarrassment “do you mind hiring me again…”

Vince facepalmed whether it was because of exasperation or simply to hide his burning face. He doesn't even like me… this is so one-sided. And if I hire him I can't help myself but… he looked to the side.

“You really can't find a job elsewhere?”

“No, I swear, really.”

Vince kinda wanted to say I'm not surprised  but felt that it wasn't the time to joke around.

“Rody I- I don't get it, why did you come back? You dumbass- why? Are you doing this out of spite?” he said in a low voice. The bitter air blew roughly onto his face. Rody looked rather uncomfortable as well and was actively avoiding eye contact. His ginger hair fell messily across his forehead.

“You… you like me, don't you…”

Vince clenched his hands in an attempt to not slam the door immediately.

“I don't, I don't even know how you came to that conclusion-”

“Do you think I'm oblivious to it? I didn't feel it at first but the more I thought about it the more it made sense-”

Vince bit his lip. He wanted to threaten Rody so bad but he felt bad. Why is this so confusing?

The sun was setting. It was now or never.

“Rody… do you dislike me?”

“Not really.”

“Then… do… do you like me?”

There it was. There was no going back.

“I mean… I wouldn't have came back otherwise… honestly, I don't understand why I'm like this either but… um- um, how do I phrase this… it's kind of nice I guess… yeah, I like you…”

“Rody. Do you like me?”


Vince stared at him. What? He likes him. Rody likes him. All of a sudden he didn't feel very frustrated. While the snow flew adrift across the sunset sky, everything became quite simple. What was he confused about all this time, actually?

“...also I need money. Like, seriously.”

Vince smirked lightly.

“Alright. But under one condition. You live with me. Like before.”

“Bold of you to assume I'll still have somewhere to live by then.”

Aaand they pulled into a kiss. Not a drunk one. Just a wholesome kiss.

They're each others christmas gifts :)
I didn't expect this book to last until Christmas but here we are

I think this chapter is a bit rushed, if you have any advice feel free to say it

Livestock don't beg for their lives~ (vincent x rody)  ;))Where stories live. Discover now