Chapter 1

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All idols mentioned in this story is just for the sake of the story. I have no ownership of their names, and the idols mentioned in the story is by no means connected to reality. Their ages and personalities is fitted to support the story, and has no relation to the real people what so ever.
This is a FANFICTION, meaning the story is pure fiction out of my head, nothing more.

Please comment your thoughts as you read, they are very fun to read and help me grow as a writer.

The name of this story is not final, meaning if you find a name you thing would fit better it would be appreciated if you could comment:)

- moonlight.




Moon Sarang POV

"What do you think I am, some kind of cheap prostitute?" I scoffed. "A hundred bucks, my last offer"

The girl poked the inside of her cheek with her tongue and then bit her lip as her brows knitted together. "Fine" she uttered. "But I better get a damn good grade for those money!" She reached into her fake designer bag and rambled around for a bit to find the money. After taking out her wallet she opened it and found enough bills to pay me.

"Of course, my service never disappoints. Pleasure doing business with you Shin Yuna"
I held the bills firmly in my hand with a smirk plastered on my face as the girl walked away from me with her ponytail swaying from side to side.

I reached out for the earplugs hanging out from the collar of my hoodie and plugged them in. As loud music played in my ears I walked down the alleyway and down the street. After walking for about fifteen minutes I reached an old laundry store.
The inside was relatively empty, considering it was one o'clock on a Tuesday. Most people were either at school or at work.
I passed all the machines. Some were on, and most were empty and off. I hummed the lullaby of the song blasting in my ears as I skipped behind the counter with a grin on my face. Reaching out I opened the backroom and passed the curtains behind the stocked shelf.

"Isn't it a lovely morning Mr Beom"

"Sure is kiddo~" the old man greeted me as I skipped before him. His glasses sat loosely on the lower bridge of his nose and his at least fifty-year-old chain was on full display.
"So what can I do for you today?"

"Nothing much, I got another one for Shin Yuna, but I already got all I need for that one. Oh- and I have a new one. This time I need a fake ID for someone named... Yang Jeongin" I held his real ID in my hand as I read the information of it.

"Shouldn't you be in school with them already?" The old man took the kid's ID out of my hand and started processing it in his machine to produce the fake ID.

"You know I can't afford that, and anyways, why bother? It's not like I'm gonna get anywhere in life anyways." I jumped up on the counter and snatched a candy out of the jar the old man kept bedside his register.

"As smart as you are I would have thought you would have gotten a scholarship"

"Maybe" I sighed "but it's too late now."

𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 | Jake Sim 심재윤Where stories live. Discover now