Chapter 7

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Moon Sarang POV

"Excuse me"

I looked over my shoulder and slowly turned around.

"So it was you! Nice seeing you again. Last time I saw you-"

I placed the can of bear down on the counter and placed my hands over his mouth in a hurry. "We get it, it's nice seeing you again Jongseong"

Sori looked at us with curious eyes. "I'll let the two of you speak in private. I'll be by the pool!" She turned her back and walked away.

Jongseong and I used to attend the same high school. In fact, he was the one who helped me create a network for my business. Which reminds me of something.

"Enjoying my party?"

"Your party? How did you manage to build yourself such a big network in such a short time?" I looked around astonished.

"Can't reveal my secrets" Jongseong reached out and grabbed my beer off the counter, taking a big sip of it. "Now, how did someone like yourself get into such a big mess that you ended up here? It can't have been anything small, considering HYBE is one of the elite"

"A scout managed to track me down and my aunt found out" I took the cab from him and chugged the remaining liquid. "But, since I've got you here; is there some way you could hook me up and help me earn some cash? It would be well appreciated."

"What are you thinking of? Drugs, alcohol, prostitution- or the academic thingy?"

"The later one, actually- but is it really a marked for that here? Isn't most of the kids here top line?"

He slung his arm around my shoulders and turned me to look out of the kitchen and out at the party "You'd be surprised how many of them paid their way into this school and how many just rely on their parent's money to get good grades. Money is everything"

"So you'll help me? Great, how many presents do you want?"

The guy inhaled deeply "You know what, I'll let you have this one for old time's sake. I know that your aunt is struggling and that this is finally the right path for you to walk, so this one is on me. Let's just say you own me one, deal?"

"Deal! Pleasure doing business with you Jongseong-"

"And most people just call me Jay now..."

"Aw~ has little Jongseong-ie grown up" I pouted my lips and talked in a small baby voice.

His arm slipped into a headlock and he started rubbing the top of my head with his knuckles. "Damn right I grew up"

"Yeah, I just styled my hair!"

I stretched my arms out and pushed away from Jay as hard as I could. We shared a brief laugh as I combed my fingers through my hair to make it look decent again.

𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 | Jake Sim 심재윤Where stories live. Discover now