Chapter 9

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OH MY GOD. I may get picked to have a written exam next week... the announcements will some now, on the 15th of may. And i know that only 10% of my major will be having to take the exams, but still, if i get picked im gonna cry!!! Ive alredy had two exams two weeks ago, since i was so stupid and wanted to earn more points. I really hope everything will be worth it!! 





Moon Sarang POV

As the familiar sound of Jake's alarm rang through the room early Tuesday morning I lifted my head off the soft pillow and looked around the room.
Jake laid on his bed still wearing the same clothes from yesterday, as I felt it was inappropriate for me to change him.

I rolled over to lay on my back and stared up at the ceiling. Memorised from last night replayed in my head.

"I can walk by myself"

"Yeah right" I scoffed.

"See" he pushed misled away from me and stood on his own two legs for a brief second before he started losing control. I managed to get a hold of him just before he crashed into the ground

"I think I'll just hold you for now"

"Yah Jiun, why are you so mean to me? You always complain that I don't have enough time to spend with you, but when I am free you always say that you are going out with your friends instead." Jake kicked a rock. "What am I doing wrong? I give you gifts, take you with me on holidays, listen to you when you're upset" he stopped for a second and let out a small sob. "Just tell me what to do and I'll do it"

"Don't worry too much Jake. If she is not paying attention to you and only pushes you away that means she is not the one for you. You're a good-looking duche-bag, you can get almost anyone"

"I can't, not with my position in society. Everyone who would like to get me to them uses me for money, wealth or status. You're lucky Satan, you easily avoid problems like that"

I lifted myself off the bed and walked over to the room to turn his alarm off. "If you don't even wake up by it, why do you have it."
We had come to a point where I had stopped setting up my own alarm as Jake's alarm always woke me up anyway. I reached out and nudged his head a little with my hand. "Yeah, Jake, wake up"

The guy let out an exhausted whine and pushed my hand away. "Let me sleep"

"Don't you have class at eight? It's Tuesday not Saturday"
I grabbed the pillow from under his head and slammed it in his face. "Wake up!"


"That's what you get for drinking on a Monday!" I headed over to my closet and picked up a pair of my light-washed oversized jeans and the sweater Sunghoon had loaned me, but I had no intention of returning. I put on the pants and slipped into the thin sweater, folding it up and tying it behind my back so that it reached just where my pants started.
As I stood by the doorway with my backpack on and earplugs in I looked back at the Australian one last time.

𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 | Jake Sim 심재윤Where stories live. Discover now