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As expected, no one noticed that I wasn't home last night. No one to notice. No one is home.

Or so I thought.

I was heading up the stairs when I heard rustling in the kitchen, and made my way there. A woman wearing nothing but a robe was in my kitchen, digging through the fridge, while the kettle was boiling on the counter behind her.

'Umm, excuse me. Who are you and what are you doing- oh.' I realized who it was the moment she turned. It is that same woman from last night.

She closed the firdge and looked me up and down. 'I'm sorry. I don't see why I should tell you who I am.'

'Considering you are in my kitchen, you kind of should.' I crossed my arms and tilted my head to look at her

'Yours?' She squinted at me, then blinked a few times in confusion. 'I didn't realize he had a daughter.'

'Something tells me you didn't ask.'

'Well. Either way, I'm Elina. It is only proper to meet your future stepmother.' She walked over and stretched her hand out for me

This woman... she is serious. She honestly thinks she's going to... I couldn't handle it and started laughing at her, while she only observed me like I'm a lunatic.

'I'm sorry, but what's so funny?'

'I'm sorry, but.. how old are you?' I ask purely our of curiosity. She can't be much older than me.

She is taller than me. Her legs seem to go on forever. And she is definitely a beautiful woman. She could be a model. But other than that, she is very clearly young. Her voice alone sounds like she's a teenager, not a grown woman.

'25. What's it to you?' She scoffs

'You are almost my age. You could be his daughter. How are you not ashamed? Or in the slightest, disgusted?'

'I like older men. Is that really so wrong?'

'Or maybe you like my father's deep pockets.' I chuckled and watched as her face turned redder with anger

'You should show some respect! I am older!'

'Why should I respect you when you don't even respect yourself?'

'ARGH!!' She threw a mini tantrum and then ran past me with her fists tightly balled up

I listened as her footsteps receeded into nothing, and then she slammed the bedroom door. I suppose I poked right into her nerve.

Good job, Shinae. Proud of you.

I cheered for myself with a tiny clap, thinking about how many times this had happened already. My father is a whore through and through.

There was not much to do today, so I figured I'd catch up on some studying and such, but my plans were quickly shut down when my mother dearest came home and shat on my will to live.

'Shinae!!!' She yelled at the top of her lungs, so I figured I must have killed some of her plans with my existence, and ran down ready to be told off for no reason. But nope.

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