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And part 2 of the plan commences.

We waited a few moments, nearly counting it down like it's new year's eve, and sure enough, the big boom came along.

'Khm, khm.' An angry fake cough broke the suspense. 'Do you mind explaining what is going on?!'

The big inquisition by Mister Moon, the lawyer, commences. For the first time, in what seems my life, he was absolutely lost. And I am loving it.

'Where is your wedding dress?! And you-' He squinted at Jimin, but I cut him off

'I'll stop you there. I was never getting into that wedding dress, let me tell you. Not for Joon.' I chuckle. 'Don't get me wrong, he's great. But he dooooes have this thing called girlfriend. Well, in an hour or so, she'll be his wife.'


'Let me help you.' Jimin smiles politely as he speaks up, 'Nae and Namjoon are not getting married. But, you might be happy to know that she will be wearing a wedding dress.' He lifts my hand to show my ring to my father, who is a steam-from-ears away from looking like a raging train.

His face is lobster red. The veins on his forehead and his neck are popping, nearly bursting. His teeth might have broken at this point with the tight clench he's got on them. And I wish his vein would pop here and now. Would be a best day for me.

'YOU?! Which part of my warning did you not understand, boy?' He got a bit closer to Jimin, hissing words at him, nearly foaming at his mouth

'With all due respect sir, you can kindly fuck off.' Jimin's angelic smile completely contrasted his words, and I had to try not to laugh. And so did my mother who was quietly stuck to my father's side, as they tend to be in these things. She was just in utter shock until now.

'You mind your tone with me, boy.'

'You should mind yours, actually.' Jimin takes a step closer, too, getting in his face just the same. 'I will marry her, whether you like it or not. I do not ask nor do I need your permission. You can choose to accept it and maybe we will invite you to the wedding, or you can simply back away and let us live in peace.'

'Do you think I'm going to allow this?'

'Do you think I'm going to ask?' Jimin scoffs

Until a minute ago he was a nervous wreck, and now he's radiating with confidence. And it's the most attractive thing ever.

'If that's how you wish to do it. So be it. You just ruined her life.' My dad smiles at Jimin, putting on his lawyer face

'You'd think, wouldn't you?' Jimin chuckles. 'But as it turns out, there are people, far more powerful than you, who actually care about your daughter. Unlike you.'

'Are you threatening me, boy?'

'No. But I'm about to, so listen carefully.' Jimin stood straight, almost completely walking into my father. 'If you even think of hurting Nae in any way, shape or form, the last thing you will have to worry are broken bones. Whatever you promised you would take from her, I will make sure you lose everything 10 times over. Do I make myself clear?'

My father was looking at him dumbfonded, and then started laughing, gathering quite a few people to look over at his outburst.

'I didn't know you were so funny.' He kept laughing while Jimin calmly watched him, smiling at him without a care. 'I will enjoy leaving you with nothing. I promise you, you will regret this.' He then spoke to me

'Oh, will you now?'

His head flipped around in a second, nearly breaking his own neck at a familiar voice.

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