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I came home still in my little bubble, not expecting my father to be home. But there he was. Waiting for me as well.

He looked me up and down, visibly judging me without even trying to hide it. He passed me an envelope, not uttering a word.

'What's this?' I ask as I take the big, yellow envelope

'It has your name on it. Open and find out. It's from the opposing councel.'

No need to explain further. I opened it with the speed of light, reading what was on the papers.

'They are asking to settle outside of court.' I scoff

'And? What's your call?' He asks

'What would you do?' I look up

'This is not my case. I wouldn't do anything. You said you wanted to run it. It's your decision.'

He is surprisingly... Holding to his word. He's not taking over. Wow.

I read it again and again, and not a single time did I think about accepting the offer. All they offer is compensation in return for the dismissal of the trial. It would be like nothing ever happened, and all the evidence would be ruined. And the money they are offering as compensation barely counts as anything. Cheap bastards. This only means that she knows that she's in deep shit.

'They can shove it up their stuck-up asses. She's not getting out of this.'

He scoffed and smiled. 'Smart. Good choice.'

He praised me? Is he feeling okay?

'Jimin will be here in an hour. I'll talk about this with him, but I'll stick to my decision. She can't be let out so easily.'

'Is that where you've been spending your nights last few months? With that boy?'

'I'm more shocked that you noticed that I wasn't here.'

'I notice a lot more than you think. And I won't be the only one in court with eyes.'

'What are you on about?'

'Whatever is going on between you and that boy, you can't let it show in court. You will lose your own case because of him.'

'Nothing is going on between us, so you have nothing to worry about. And I won't lose my case.'

'It was only a warning as a fellow lawyer. And shouldn't you let go of such emotions considering you'll be carrying someone else's name soon enough?'

Just the thought of the marriage makes me want to scream my lungs out.

'And that little boy, does he know that you belong to someone else?'

'I have things to prepare. If you'll excuse me.'

I kept my cool and walked away with confidence, but once I got to my room, I fell down, hugging my knees and rocking back and front. My tears fell on the envelope, creating small puddles on the thin paper.

I'm trying to keep myself put together, but I swear he's tearing me down on purpose. As if I need a reminder that I'll never get what I want.

But I can't break now. I'm gonna have plenty of time to do so after tomorrow. Until then, I have work to do.

I went over all the evidence for a millionth time. I checked up on all the witnesses, including Josh who flew over and is staying at the hotel nearby under a fake name so they don't find him. I checked on everything we reported to the opposing council, making sure I haven't missed out on a thing.

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