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I was beyond desoriented and in pain, waking up on the floor. I looked around to see where the laughter was coming from, and saw that blonde ass, kneeling down by the kitchen counter as his hearty laughter filled the space around us, ringing in my ears first thing I opened my eyes.

Still completely confused, I looked around me and realized that I fell off the couch in my sleep, and aparently faceplanted into their carpet. The worst thing is that I couldn't even get up because I was somehow tangled up in a blanket that someone put over me.

I groaned and decided to lay down and play dead, just to match how I feel inside. 

'Good morning, skydiver. I think you forgot your parachute.' Jimin finally gathered himself and walked over, but he was snickering at me from above, holding a steamy mug in his hand, his other hand in his pocket

'I'm so tired.' I moaned, trying to pull the blanket over my head and sleep more

'You slept like 15 hours. Any longer and you're gonna comatose.'

'I don't care.' I groan

'At least lay up on the couch. Not on the floor. Jungkook will step on you.'

'Let him.' I mutter

'Fine. Suit yourself.' He sighed and I felt the couch moving against my back as he flopped down on it

My brain slowly started plugging back in, and it started making more sense why I shouldn't be on the floor, so I slowly uncovered the blanket and sat up. There was no need to look at the mirror. I could feel that my hair was an absolute bird's nest. But I was still exhausted, and could barely even sit, and I ended up tipping over, falling on his knee where his feet were planted on the ground next to me.

'Don't sleep there!' He shook his leg, but I kind of hugged it to keep it in the spot

'Mmmmm. I won't. Let me wake up.' I mumbled, getting comfier

He muttered something in response, but honestly, I could barely hear it. I just needed to take a minute. 

'Did you say I slept 15 hours?' It only now clicked with me

'Sure did. It's like half twelfe.' 

'Half twelwe?' 

'Mhm.' he hummed in response


He nearly jumped of the sofa as I practically screamed at him. But I almost slept over for my meetings with Beholder and NewPolaroid Seoul. I need to be at NPS by 2.

'What in the hell is wrong with you, woman!?'

'Sorry! Sorry! I have a meeting and I almost slept through it! I need to go.' 

I untangled myself from the confinements of the blankets and started picking up my things in a hurry.

'Meeting? You? What for?' 

'Ugh it's a law thing. Long story.' I lied through my teeth as I located my phone and ran over to get my shoes, and he went to the hallway with me

'If you're in such a hurry let me drive you home. You walked here yesterday, didn't you?' 

'It's fine, don't worry. I'm not that far. I'll just run a bit.' I mumbled as I'm putting on my shoes

'You're not running. And you look like you just escaped captivity. Someone is going to report me if they see you coming out of here.' 

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