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*knock knock knock*
'It's me.'

'Come in.' Jimin's door-muffled voice called from inside the room, and on his sign, I opened the door

He was on the floor by the bed, putting together some camera parts, and only looked up when I got inside. 'What happened?'

'Well...' I walked over and sat on the bed above him, fully expecing him to tell me off, but he only followed me with his eyes without a complaint, waiting for me to start talking.
'I scared her shitless and scolded her. She won't do it again. She most likely hates me 10 times more and might try to attempt murder, but until then, you're going to receive an apology.'

'I can't even with that kid. I almost shat my pants this morning. I felt something crawling beside me and thought it might have been Taehyung coming to wake me up cause he's bored, but he sure doesn't try crawling into my arms. I almost killed myself because I threw myself out of the bed and on the floor. I killed my camera because of her.' He lifted a few parts, showing them to me. So that's what he was doing...

'Note to self, don't crawl into Jimin's bed.' I figured I'd lift the mood a little and tease him, and apparently it worked

He scoffed a little, smacking my leg gently. 'Moron.'

'Well, this moron saved your ass. You're welcome. Now go down there and set clear boundaries. She is still stuck on her thoughts that you'll be with her when she turns 18, so you might wanna cut that before her delusions grow.'

'I thought you fixed it!' He whines at me

'I fixed possible prison time, stained records and her behaviour, but she still needs to hear it from you. Go. I'll wait here until you're done.'

He groaned and threw his head back in frustration, banging his head against the bed a few times. 'I don't wanna.'

I chuckled and decided to ruffle his hair jokingly, letting my fingers run through his blonde mess, but I didn't expect his hair to be so soft. Now I don't wanna let go. 'Go on. Don't be a child.'

He took my hand and pulled it out of his hair, playfully biting into my wrist. 'That's for being a shit attorney.'

'I'll pee on your pillow.' I threatened

'I'll sue you!'

I chuckled away as he left the room, closing the door behind him, leaving me alone in here.

Like last time I took a look around, still finding the picture wall to be very cool. What I didn't find cool was the camera that laid broken on the floor by the bed. That damn kid...

I don't know how long this will take, so I'll just lay here and play dead.

His bed may not be as comfortable as mine is, but his scent is all over the pillows and sheets, and it's making me want to close my eyes and not move.

Maybe only for a while...


'I'm sorry, Jiminie. I didn't mean to cause you trouble.'

Jiwoon was bowing so low on her knees that her face was in the carpet. She also seemed scared, shaking. Maybe Shinae did more than I thought she would.

'Okay, enough bowing and listen to me.' I watched her sit up and wipe her tear stained face, and I felt bad, but Shinae is right. I need to cut this tree down before it grows. 'I know you like me. I understand what you wanted to do, but it was wrong to do it. And I'm sorry that you like me, because I don't like you in that way. I never will.'

'Is it because I'm young? Because I'll be 18 in-'

'No. Well, yes. You are very young, so that is a massive part of it. I don't see you as anything but a younger sister. A very, very, young one. But even if you weren't, I wouldn't like you like that. So no matter if you are 16, 18 or 25, you and I, we will never be together, Jinwoo. Not ever.'

She was sobbing, and honestly, my heart was clenching at the sight. This is most likely the first time she was being rejected by someone she likes, and it feels like shit. We've all been there and it's not a nice feeling. Her eyes were all puffy and tired. The tip of her nose was bright red, and her face was completely drenched.

'I'm sorry, little one. But you need to let this crush go away. I'm too old for you, and you are way too young for me. You will find someone your age who will like you back. Maybe not today, but it will happen. But no more crazy behaviour. No more touching me and sticking to me. And no more disrespect to Shinae just because she's a friend. Do you understand me?'

'Y- yes.' She sobbed harder, barely brething.

'Okay. Good. From today on, we are family and friends. Nothing else. That clear?'


'Good. Now give me a hug and let's forget the stupid thing you did.'

Well, that took a milisecond. She nearly took me down because she almost jumped on me, squeezing my ribs out of my body. I rubbed her back to comfort her a little, and then I pulled away. I don't want her taking it the wrong way.

'I'm sorry, hyung. I won't- won't do it again.' Her breath hitched

'I know.'

'Good- good night, Jiminie.'

She bowed and left, running up the stairs to Taehyung's room. There's another fight waiting for her. But she brought it on herself.

'Seriously?' I didn't know if I should cry or laugh

I went away for 10 minutes, and she fell asleep. In my bed. What is up with women sneaking into my bed today?

I walked over with full intent to smack her awake with one of the pillows, but... I couldn't do it. I didn't have the heart to wake her up.

She was sound asleep, laying on her side in a little fetus position, half hugging the pillow and half laying on it. Her hair was spread on the bed behind her, covering the white sheets with her black strands, with a few pieces falling over the side of her face.

I crouched next to her, listening to her just breathe in and out slowly, and with every breath, a bit of her hair moved.

'I kidnapped you, and you kidnapped my bed.'

I smiled a little as I moved those few pieces of her hair out of her face, and she pouted a little in her sleep, her fingers twitching as she clutched the pillow a bit tighter. She looks so calm and peaceful. Such a contrast compared to when she's awake.

I should let her sleep. No point waking her up now when it's already 9 in the evening, and she is obviously tired if she fell asleep this early and this fast.

Pulling the light blanket over her to keep her warm and cozy, I paused at her shoulders, listening to her hum and mumble something in her sleep.

Without much thinking, I let my hand soflty lay against her cheek, feeling her soft cheeks under my palm, and she didn't even budge.

'You really can't shut up even in your sleep, can you?'

I took one more look at her before I left the room, smiling at the sight. She really did invade everything in my life. My house. My friends. My family. Even my own bed. And as it seems, lately, she's been invading my mind, too.


I wonder if I can sue her for that.

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