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As I told Jungkook, I've brought myself over and was about to knock on the door, only to find them lightly cracked open. Great way of getting robbed. I suppose I'll let myself in.

I walked inside, getting hit by the familiar scent of men's body spray. It became a calming scent for me. I hope they're making candles with this scent. I might buy some for my room.

'Hello?! Jimin? Taehyung? Jungkook?' I called out, but not a single word

Maybe they're in the shower or something. Someone has to be home.

I figured I'd set the food on the table while they're god knows where, so I took a little stroll around their messy kitchen. There are bottles of water and energy drinks almost lined up on the counter. A few kitchen cloths hanging around, mostly dirty. I even found a t-shirt on the high bar chair. Pigs. At least someone remembered to do the dishes, which is a surprise.

In need of plates and bowls, I ventured through their cabinets and drawers. The first drawer I opened nearly fell out completely, and I had to push it back closed. I opened the cabinet underneath, and luckily, that didn't break. And I got the plates. But then the doors wouldn't close. The next few doors and cabinets worked fine, which I was a bit surprised about, but also weirdly happy about.

I found some glasses in the cupboard and put everything on the table, setting it all around the food I put in the centre.

'Water. We need water.' I hummed to myself and went over to the fridge, and then my heart clenched a little when I opened it.

It was practically empty. They had some eggs and milk, butter, a few bottles of water, some already cooked rice that seemed to be in there a bit too long, some cheese and a carton of orange juice.

Is this all they have??

I looked around to see if anyone's here, but thankfully, no one was. I was careful opening the rest of the cupboards, hoping to God that I find more food. This can't be all that they have. This is so not enough for the three guys. It's not enough for one of them, let alone three.

I found a few instant ramen noodles and some snacks, but that was about it. No wonder they're always hungry.

I heard door opening and closing upstairs do I quickly backed away from all the cabinets and ran to the table, pretending I'm setting it down still.

'Um... hi?' Taehyung greeted me with confusion, looking at me, then at the table, moving in what seemed like slow motion

'Hello, hello. Dinner?' I grin

'I thought I was imagining the smell. What the-' he slowly walked over, looking over at the table. 'Is that Korean barbecue?!'

'Jungkook specifically requested it.' I chukle

'Taehyung, have you seen my- seriously? Again?' Jimin was so done at the mere sight as soon as he came down, practically whining at me

'Okay, first, you left your front door wide open. Literally. And I called out multiple times and no one answered. So don't even. I could have robbed you.'

'Honestly, I'd prefer that. At least I'd know you won't come back.' He clicked his tongue

'Okay, sassy pants, stop whining and sit down. Food's getting cold.'

'I don't know about you, but I'm digging in.' Taehyung skipped over and threw himself in the chair, and then almost fell off in shock at the front door slamming so hard that the entire place shook

'I SMELL FOOD!!!' Jungkook's screaming was followed by a loud thud, and Jimin grimacing, then facepalming when Jungkook whined in the back. He fell.

'I'm surrounded by dogs.' Jimin muttered

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