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It was glorious listening to the testimonies from the company owners I spoke to before. Their tapes have been played and accepted into evidence.
The crazy Beholder woman went on her rant again, giving us even more than we asked, and even had the proof. She showed all the messages they had exchanged where Eleanor was asking her not to employ Jimin.

It was even more glorious once Josh Tullings walked inside the courtroom. She went white in her face. 

He gave his entire testimony, and all the emails and such that he showed me, he showed to them as well. He also shat on her words of nevet terminating anyone else without a cause. He also started crying at the stand because he was happy that she was being prosecuted after all this time. 

After almost 7 hours of testimonies, evidence and arguments, the Judge spoke the words of salvation.

'Would the defense please make their closing statement?'

Yung walked up to the jury with confidence, speaking in the softest tone, trying to appeal more to them and invoke

'Your Honour, Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, we have shown what we promised you. Not only is my client innocent, but her reputation is now on the line. Everything she worked for is in your hands, and based on nothing more than a few words that are as real as a fairytale. I hope you take it into consideration that none of this existed until now. Not a single spec on my client, and now she is shovelling her way out of it. I would only call it jealousy and resentment. And I would call it suspicious. Please, have it in your heart to think about her life and what it could become if these untrustworthy facts were to be taken seriously. Thank you.'

Poor, poor man. He had nothing to say. Even he knows he's talking shit. She lost. Big time.

But I'll still make a hell of a closing argument. It's my first one.

'Dear Jury of peers, Your Honour, I think we all saw today how one person, one single person, can bring so much pain and chaos to others. And why? Because she has money? Because she is a CEO? Because she thinks the right to control and puppeteer others is hers? Maybe we will never truly know what Miss Dowen had in her mind. Even faced with proof of her actions, she stuck to her resolve of covering her lies with more lies. And the more people came forwards, the more lies we unraveled. And the worst is that she feels no remorse for what she had done to others. It was clear in the way she was acting throughout the trial. She was smiling and laughing it off, not even trying to take it seriously. Unlike attorney Yung, I won't ask you to find it in your heart to think about what the decision you bring could do for her. I will ask you to think about the people she wronged and all the things she had taken from them, and will without a doubt do again if allowed. I will ask you to look at my client, to look at the people who testified to the same things over and over, and try to imagine yourself in their position. Imagine your daughters. Your sons. Your family. What would you do if, instead of my client, it was a person you hold dear sitting in that chair, trying to gain back control over their own life? Would you still have it in your heart to think of the consequences of her own actions and the damage she did to herself, or would you do what needs to be done and put an end to the behaviour and actions that never should have happened in the first place? Thank you.'

I gave myself a little mental pat on the shoulder as I walked back to my seat, earning a little nod from my silent father. Jimin's eyes seemed like they were glimerring slightly, and he looked down, taking a deep breath. And looking over, all Eleanor did was roll her eyes at me. Classy.

'Thank you, councelors. Jury of peers, do you have enough evidence to bring your decision today, or would you like to take this to bring your decision another day?'

They had a little chat between them and after a few minutes they annonuced:
'We have gathered enough to bring the decision today. We will vote now.'

'As you wish. We will take one hour reecess, and then gather back in here.'

'All rise!'

Everyone got up and waited for the Judge to leave, and then we were allowed out. Jimin nearly ran out, loosening his tie and taking his jacket off.

'I can't. I never want to do court again. How the hell are you not nervous?!' He was nearly yelling at me, and it only made me laugh

'I don't know. I kind of feel at home in there, to be honest.'

'You look like you belong in there. I must admit, you were doing well. Color me impressed. See you in an hour.' My dad spoke, stunning me completely, and then he left

'I think he stresses me out more than anyone. He is so... intense.' Jimin says to me as my father left

'Well, you got some crazyness incoming.' I point behind him where Tae and Kookie made their way over, coming to hug him and me

'Man you're sweaty.' Jungkook trolls him

'I know. My socks are wet.' Jimin mutters

'And you were so fucking cool! You ate that woman up!' Taehyung seemed more excited than me

'Thanks guys. Happy you're having fun.' I chuckle

'I'm gonna use the bathroom. I don't know if I need to pee, poop or throw up, so I'll go and find out.'

Jimin put his suit jacket in my hand and walked off, letting his tie hang loosely around his neck. Such a mess of a guy. An adorable mess.


This is even more scary than I first thought. I feel a bit easier when she sits next to me, not just her high-strung father, but she is running around and being all badass. She is so goddamn amazing. I just can't wait for this to be over. The moment we walk out of this damn building, I'm telling her that I love her. 

But first, I need to clean myself up. I have sweated out buckets from the nerves, so I'll wash myself up.

I spent good 5 minutes in the bathroom just washing my face in cold water and wiping my neck. I hate wearing a damn suit. I haven't worn it more than 5 times in my life. Including prom. 

Okay. Better now. Let's get some air.

Or not.

'Look who it is. A little boy.' 

Why her of all people!?

'Yeah, no. I had enough of you for 5 lives.  Bye.'

'Not so fast.' She stepped in front of me, looking me up and down

'Seriously? Did you not fuck with me enough?'

'Why are you so sensitive? I only gave you a few compliments here and there and maybe touched you a few times. And you did this?'

Ah, so now she's angry. Make that two of us.

'So now you did it? But you didn't do it when they were asking you about it?' I raise my eyebrow. 'You know what, just stay out of my way.'

'I may have stopped you from finding a job in photography, but now... now you won't find a job anywhere.'

I stopped walking and turned around to look at her. 'Are you threatening me? Outside of the courtroom? Are you seriously that stupid?'

'Who's gonna hear me? The walls?' She chuckles. 'You and that young lawyer of yours made a mistake. And you'll pay for it.'

'Great. I'll just sue you again. By the looks of it, my so-called young lawyer is 100 times better than yours. I just hope you enjoy the punishment.'

'Mark my words, Jimin. This is not over. I'm coming for you.'

'Speak to my lawyer.' I waved behind me as I walked away

I hope she falls face first into a pile of shit and eats it.

My Little Miss Lawyer |BTS JIMIN FF|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz