Intangible World

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Chapter Two

In the hallowed halls of Chronospace, a haunting sound greeted me—an eerie voice that echoed through the mystical corridors. The once-illuminated surroundings gave way to darkness, and a chilling aura spread like a shroud. As the atmosphere shifted, a monstrous roar reverberated, and I faced the looming presence of a flying creature with eyes that pierced the shadows.


"Who's there?"

Bewilderment gripped my senses, and I found myself asking the empty air.

A monstrous roar shattered the silence, and there, before me [Behemoth], manifested a creature of formidable power. Its gaze, a sinister penetration, locked onto me. Determination surged within, replacing any inkling of fear that dared to surface.

"This is no ordinary foe,"

I thought while my crimson eyes locking onto the monstrous entity.

"What is this creature?"

I questioned, my voice cutting through the uneasy silence. No answers came, only the unsettling ambiance that hung in the air.

Determination surged within me as I readied my staff. There was no room for fear, only the need to face the impending threat. The monstrous entity unleashed a piercing laser beam, but with a swift incantation, I summoned a sorcery gate of the Chronospace to deflect the onslaught.

[Chronospace Gate]

It was skills that I remember to use, it's have versatile because it can deflect an attack from my adversary teleport it into unknown.

[Icy Lance]

With a swift motion, I wielded my staff channeling the chaos force within, I summoned a massive pillar of ice, a giant floating sentinel that soared towards the Behemoth, the icy projectiles soared toward the monster, penetrating its formidable exterior.


The sharp edges penetrated its Behemoth form, eliciting a roar of pain. The beast, wounded but not defeated, recoiled, its monstrous frame moving backward.

"Face The Frost Embrace!!"

[Frost Lance]

Yet, with unwavering resolve, I conjured a massive floating pillar of ice, a manifestation of my sorcery's might. With a surge of power, I directed it toward the creature. The colossal pillar struck true, meeting the monster head-on. In a spectacle of frozen chaos. The behemoth, overwhelmed by the onslaught, met its end in a blaze of magical brilliance, turning into ashes that scattered within the shadows of Chronospace. The eerie silence returned, the hall once again shrouded in mystic quietude.

The once-darkened heart of Chronospace transformed into a spectral light that bathed the hall in an ethereal glow. Mesmerized by the beauty of the luminous surroundings, I stood with heavy breaths, feeling the lingering echoes of my expended magical powers. The contrast between the recent confrontation and the newfound tranquility left me momentarily disoriented.

"What Is this-"

As the radiant glow subsided, a figure materialized before me. Her presence was ethereal, and her steps echoed softly through the hall. With a slight bow and a graceful pull of her skirt, she introduced herself as a maid in service to me, her master. Her hair, as white as freshly fallen snow, framed emerald eyes that sparkled with an otherworldly light.

"You are?"

"I am at your service, Master,"

"Master, I congratulate you on your success in the trials,"

Chronospace Witch : Chronicles Tale Of Witch Through Forgotten MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now