Past Whisper

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Chapter Seventh

   Witch blinked with blurry from her vision, seems she found in sprawled grassy field in the warm glow of an unfamiliar sunset with air smelled of wildflowers and damp earth it's contrast from corridors of Chronospace Tower. Green lush grass stretched before her under the sunset and swaying gently in the wind it felt oddly familiar form someone who has no memory.

    Witch she found herself in a grassy field having gentle wind caressing of her face and whipping strands of her silver hair across her cheeks, In the distance rolling hills stretched out dotted with vibrant wildflowers. But something as witch felt some wrong an unsettling stillness hung in the air.

   Idyllic scene shattered suddenly  sound that sent a jolt through witch, they frantic voice punctuated by gasps of fear. Witch turned towards the sound, my heart hammering in my chest.

   Two figures stood a short distance away, one was a woman tall and striking she giving an air of otherworldly beauty and her attire, a stark contrast to my own she was an alluring  coat leather and flowing fabric from her dress revealing more than it concealed. Her eyes, the color of a silvery darkness that held an intensity, other figure was a villager, his face etched with terror.

"Bad News!"

   The panic villager with his clothes simple and worn, he knelt before the woman his face a mask of terror, stammered his voice barely a whisper.

"Lady Vera,"

"The Tower… it unleashed… monsters! They're coming from the ripple space, attacking from all directions!"

   Lady Vera as the villager addressed her, listened patiently, her brow furrowed in concentration with calculating expression

"Monsters, you say? Are they like the ones we fought before?"

The villager shook his head frantically.

"No, milady! They're different. This… this is truly an attack from that Tower!"

Lady Vera squared her shoulders, a flicker of steel entering her gaze.

"I understand."

"Very well. I will hold the western and northern flanks. You, gather the villagers and take them to safety. Hide them well."

   Without another word he turned quickly as like the wind and runs fled into the woods, his panicked breaths echoing in the wind and Lady Vera turned her direction to witch her lips curling into a confident smirk.

"Looks like we have unwelcome guests,"

   There were no introductions, no  pleasantries. She simply pointed in a direction opposite her own before I could voice my questions, Lady Vera gestured toward the opposite direction.

"The south is yours, eliminate any stragglers that come our way."

"I'll leave the rest to you"

   Without word of protest silent agreement born in necessity. Witch take into shouldered her staff and headed in the direction that woman indicated like wind witch run herself to wood.

To Be Continued..

Chronospace Witch : Chronicles Tale Of Witch Through Forgotten MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now