Sword Recollection

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Chapter Sixth

   Disoriented and coughing, from previous devastating blow I struggled to my feet and my vision swam a dull throbbing pulsed in my head. The monstrous spider eight his legs it's loomed before me its remaining twitching because my previous attempt to attack was failed, he still have a low growl emanating from its maw but, before the creature's could pierce send his final blow  a flash of silver intervened.

   Adelina suddenly materialized from out of thin air with her movements a blur of silver and white combined from her frost icicle sword danced in her grasp.

   With her inhuman speed she easily deflected all that spider's attack, sickening crunch sount colliding resonating through the room with a series of lightning-fast strikes from Adelina, severed several of the creature's legs and black ichor splattered across the floor sending up a pungent odor.  I look with my swam vision the spider screeched in fury his remaining legs propelling it backwards.

"Are you alright, Witch?"

   She asked her voice a cool counterpoint to the adrenaline still coursing through me and she giving her hand to me for helping me with to my feet after spectacle attack that makes me momentarily stunned.

"More surprised than hurt,"

   I managed, a weak smile tugging at the corners of my lips

"I still have some fight left in me."

   Taking Adelina's hand, I allowed her to pull me to my feet, wave of dizziness washed over me and momentarily blurring my vision, her touch surprisingly warm despite the chill of frost emanating from her blade that she held.

   I then reached out my staff still with my vision momentarily swimming, after blow into wall from that monster attack had left me disoriented and adrenaline that had fueled me was rapidly fading.


Adelina cautioned, her voice low.

"You've taken a beating."

"Stay back,"

   Adelina stood between me and the creature her silver hair stark contrast to the creature's form and her frost icicle sword blurred in a whirlwind of motion.

"Let me handle this."

   Despite the pain on my body, a defiant spark ignited within me and my voice rasped protest

"I can still fight"

  Though in my protest Adelina was right, the spider though he clearly wounded it's was far from defeated and once again he reared up regained his energy and remaining of his legs return once again, he unleashed another beam of destructive energy from its mouth.

"Let me handle this."

"Trust me,"

   Adelina said her voice cut leaving no room for argument, she fast reflect deflecting the attack by spun away her sword and the beam searing past her carving smoking gouge into the opposite wall.

   Then without any sounds as air sang with the metallic clang of blade. Adelina charged her sword became a blur of silver light each strike finding its mark with fast each swipe of her blade a spider leg fell of instantly covering the floor in a chitinous rain as beast shrieked.

   The spider enraged by her audacity and he attempt to focused all its attacks on her from remaining of legs. For Adelina that danced in battlefield through the onslaught it's easy for her to counterattack as the monster attempt to attack her.

   I gritted my teeth looking at Adelina handle the monster, a spark determination rising ij my body

"I don't have much choice, do I?"

   Seeing an opening after Adelina not giving chance to that monster to regen I knew I had to act.

"Ice Lance!"

   With a muttered incantation I unleashed a torrent of ice shards aiming for the exposed monster opening that made from Adelina. Instantly all the shards struck true piercing its tough her exoskeleton and the creature shrieked again, a sound laced with agony filling the area room corridor.

   Adelina take her final strike after my attack, she plunged her icicle sword deep into skins and deafening roar filled the corridor as the creature convulsed his eight eyes dimming.

["Ah final blow we did it.."]

   Exhausted I leaned against the wall and suddenly my vision become blurring at the edges, my ears rang with fight, sound of my own ragged breathing.

   But the world suddenly was fading fast the light seemed to dim, the edges of my vision dissolving into darkness. The last thing I saw was Adelina's face etched with concern as the darkness claimed me.

To Be Continued..

Chronospace Witch : Chronicles Tale Of Witch Through Forgotten MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now