charming v

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.✧ ➤ ❝  charming v ...?¿ ❞

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still fairly new to the company, yuri didn't have many friends

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still fairly new to the company, yuri didn't have many friends.

okay, correction: she didn't have any friends.

her only friend was her mom and she lived across the ocean. even all of her canadian friends had lost contact with her over the last few months due to several reasons (time difference, yuri's hefty schedule, growing up...).

so her life had become quite boring. all she did was eat, sleep, go to school, go dance practice, go to vocal lessons and if she somehow miraculously had time to spare, practice an instrument (preferably piano since guitar hurt her fingers).

so overall, a lot of practicing.

so much so that she was always rushing between dance practice room and the studio. one day, she was in such a hurry that she didn't notice that a boy seemed to be running in the her direction, just as rushed, causing them to collide.

"oh, i'm so sorry!" he apologised as yuri rubbed her head at the spot where it had hit his chin.

"no, it's okay," yuri said politely, "it was my fault."

"no no, i should've been looking where i was going!" he interjected, almost yelling but not in a bad way. yuri got startled by his sudden hyper-ness. "oh sorry, was that too loud?"

"um..." yuri cleared her throat before standing up. he followed her lead and stood up as well.

"are you new? i don't think i've seen you anywhere..." he squinted his eyes, mouth pouting slightly as if he was thinking hard to remember if he knew her.

"i've been here for a few months," she said shyly, social anxiety kicking in, especially since she hadn't held a conversation this long with someone in a while.

"oh, okay. i'm taehyung by the way," he introduced himself, his face lighting up with a grin that could only be described as boxy, "kim taehyung."

"i'm stephanie," she said, "or yuri. you can call me yuri instead, sorry."

"oh are you a foreigner?"

"i guess. i'm from canada."

"nice," he smiled warmly, "where were you headed by the way?"

"to dance practice."

"no way, me too!" he said.

"but... but the dance studio is in the direction that you just came from?" she said, confused.

"yeah. i forgot a bandana back in the vocal studio so i was going to go grab that."

her eyes widened and she fished for something in her back pocket, "is it this one?" she pulled out a black bandana.

"yes!" he took his from her.

"i found it. i was going to give to one of the staff."

"thanks. it probably would've gotten stolen if i was too late," he said, "you're a lifesaver."

she shrugged, "i didn't know who's it was. i was just going to give it to the staff to return."

"well thanks anyway," he said, "since we're going to the same place, wanna walk together?"

she nodded, her heart warming at the fact that he was being so nice. was she finally making her first friend in this unfamiliar place...?

"so how old her you?" he asked as they started walking.

"i'm 13."

"wow, you're so young. and you're all the way in another country?" she nodded. "i'm from daegu and i'm getting homesick so much! i can't imagine being a whole sea away. have you always lived in canada? did you never live here?"

"i was born in busan but i moved when i was just a baby."

"oh, i have a friend from busan! i wonder if you two will get along..."


annie's thoughts 💭:
spoiler alert: they didn't get along (at least for a little bit at the beginning)

anyway, i love tae and yuri

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