chapter 2

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ALORA WAS MESMERISED by the vehicle she was in. She had never been in a car before, or at least not that she remembered, and was impressed by the speed of it as well as its ability to produce light for its path.

"My job has been to guide you to this moment." Grover tells percy from the backseat beside Alora. "Its always an emotional rollercoaster for a young demigod, so providing a support system is really-"

"Who are you?" Percy cuts him off, looking between the pair. This is when Alora realises she has yet to introduce herself and internally scolds herself for her lack of manners.

"Im Alora." She tells him, her voice sounding like honey to his ears. "Daughter of Hypnos, the god of sleep. I'm a demigod, like you."

"And what are you?" He turns to grover after analysing the girl carefully.

Grover pulls the hat off his head to reveal two horns in the midst of his hair.

"Im a satyr." He admits, "And I'm your protector."

"You're my protector?" Percy asks in disbelief.

"If i hadn't gotten you kicked out of school, you wouldn't have survived the night.."

Grovers voice faded in Aloras ears as she got a shiver up her spine. The minotaur was going to be here any second now.

"I don't mean to intrude on this conversation but we need to hurry." Alora told them as she cut off Grover explaining what camp was. "Camp is a sanctuary for half-bloods to learn who we are and what the world is like on the other side of the midst blah blah blah..."

The girl spoke very quickly trying to get the warning out as quick as she could without worrying the others, but that wasn't going to plan.

"It's going to be here any second now so please, for the love of gods, speed it up a little!"

As she finished her sentence a lighting flash shot down behind the car and the minotaur appeared. The kids, well the kids and grover, turned around in a panic.

"Is that the minotaur?" Percy asked in shock. Alora almost forgot that to him these creatures were nothing but fiction.

"Once the attacks start they never let up." Grover warns, "Dodds was just the beginning. He is next! He is brutal. He is relentless."

"He is still wearing underpants." Percy seems to still be in shock.

"Yeah and we are looking like his next meal so we really need to hurry!" Alora panics while the minotaur gallops towards them quickly.

"The Mythomagic cards were training." Grover admits to percy, ignoring his friend who was clearly not enjoying her first away from home trip. "Everything has been training for whats still ahead of you."

"What's ahead of me?" Percy asks in disbelief.

"Kids.." Sally warns slowly, gaining their attention for a split second.

"I'm actually 24."

Alora turns to him in utter confusion. Why must he blurt that out when they are seconds away from death?

"Hold on please."

The minotaur quickly gains speed and catches up to the car. Grover quickly pulls Aloras seatbelt across her as she scoots further away from the window the minotaur is now looking through.

The creature growls as Sally swerves the car against him, in attempts to throw him off, only to shove back at the car and break the window with its horn.

His horn gets stuck in the steering wheel, preventing Sally to turn out of the path of the oncoming truck that was going to crush the car. Having no other choice she steps on the gas pedal and turns the other direction down a hill, while the minotaur is crushed by the truck.

MY DREAM • percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now