chapter 23

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ALORA KNEW SHE HATED WALKING, she had never been a fan of it but being in the underworld just increased her hatred for it. Normally when she didn't feel like walking she would just float along, but she had to stop herself from that because she knew she would fall asleep doing so.

"We can't ignore this." Grover spoke up, breaking the eerie silence that Alora was getting sick of.

"Stop." Percy told the satyr, trying to avoid the subject.

"It's just math." Grover stated simply. "The four of us, plus your mom, is five people and only four pearls. Someone is staying behind and it should really be me."

"It wasn't your fault." Percy said turning to face Grover as the group came to a stop. "And even if it were, you're not getting left behind."

"If anyone has to stay behind, I will." Alora yawned casually, despite the feeling knawing at her stomach. "And I don't want to hear the excuses again-"

"None of you are getting left behind." Percy said as he grabbed Aloras hand, making a subtle blush crawl up her cheeks. "Period. After we get the bolt and stop this war, you guys are leaving. With my mom."

"Perce, no."

"What about you?" Grover asked, already knowing the answer.

Percy just dropped Aloras hand and sped ahead of the group who were quick to follow.

"Perce, answer the question." Alora pressed, she was not letting the boy sacrifice himself for her again.

"Quests aren't always linear." He said calmly. "I'll figure something out."

He stopped in his tracks as a creepy mannequin like figure appeared in front of them, making Alora jump out of her skin.


"Sorry." Percy mumbled as the figure stared straight at them.

It made Alora extremely uncomfortable. It's lips looked like they were glued together, its eyes dark with equally dark rings circling them, it had not a single hair on its head and its skin was pale and sickly looking.

"They can't hear you." Annabeth stated as she stared at the figure, which Alora refused to do.

"They?" Grover asked in confusion.

The four looked around them and they were now surrounded by these figures that seemed to have appeared from nowhere. It put her on edge as she gulped and shuffled closer to Percy.

"This must be Asphodel." Annabeth told them as she took their appearances in. "I read a book about this place."

"Wait." Grover said as Annabeth walked forward, towards the figure. "No, no, no, no. What are you.."

He trailed off as Annabeth lifted the bottom of the figures cloak like garment, revealing a knot of roots and weeds tangled together.

"Are those... roots?"

"Souls here are bound by regret." Annabeth stated as she stood up. "Haunted by choices they made in life... or never made."

All of a sudden, they could hear Cerberus growling in the distance and realised the dog was catching up to them. They took off running quickly, but stopped when they realised Annabeth hadn't followed.

"Annie!" Alora yelled as she panted for breath. "Annabeth!"

"Guys!" the distant voice replied, making the group follow the sound.

When they reached the girl, she had a root tangled around her foot that kept her in place.

"We've got a problem here." She stated and they all reached to pull at the root. "I already tried. It's too strong."

"How did this happen?" Percy asked, while they continued to pull at the root.

"It's some kind of regret, right?" Grover asked as he stood up. "But what would you have to regret?"

Alora locked eyes with Annabeth, and as though they were speaking their own language, she understood exactly what triggered the root.

"It's okay." Annabeth shook off the question. "Go. I'll distract the dog and buy you guys some time."

"I'm staying with you." Alora stammered quickly.


"I said I'm staying with you." Alora persisted and saw the anxious look on Percys face. "We have the pearls, they'll work. We'll be okay."

Percy looked at Alora and she felt his eyes burning through hers with anxiety and worry. She took his hand softly and squeezed it.

"I trust your dad. You can do this. I know it."

Cerberus' growls were getting closer and they were running out of time. Annabeth quickly retrieved the two pearls she had shoved into her pocket.

"Run." Alora told the two boys, squeezing Percys hand one last time before letting go. "Now!"

She watched as they ran into the distance, knawing her lip nervously.

"They'll be okay." Annabeth reassured her, handing her a pearl. "You ready?"

Alora nodded and took a hold of her best friend's hand, both of them throwing their pearls to the ground. A fuzzy feeling filled Aloras stomach and a bright light clouded her vision.

When Percy turned back to check on the girl, she had disappeared in a white flash.

Gods he hoped she was right.

em speaks:

lit js uploaded the last chapter and idk if i should do a cheeky lil double update. yk what why not? perlora are fr my babies for ever and ever. im also lowkey feeling emoish bc im nearly finished until s2 comes out but on the bright side ill be able to start with my babe cassie

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