chapter 6

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ALORA DIDN'T KNOW WHAT IT WAS ABOUT PERCY but he made her feel comfortable. He made me feel accepted at camp, while some others made her like an outsider. Perhaps it was the fact that they were both singular children to gods at the camp, she didn't know. All she knew was that she was happy.

"The oracle is here to help you." Alora explained as she brought Percy to the shack the oracle was in. "It goes along the lines of your quest without giving too much away so you know what to expect."

"So like a prophecy?" he asked and alora nodded, happy that she could explain it in a way he could understand. She wasn't very good at wording things and was afraid of making him more confused. "Why can't you just do it?"

"I can't control how or when prophecies come to me." She looked over to him, seeing him listening to every word she said intently. "The oracle can do that."

They eventually reached the shack and Alora stopped, making Percy also stop.

"Aren't you coming with me?" he looked between the creepy shack and the girl he had been clinging to like a koala.

"Nope, this is as far as i can go." She shook her head and pointed at the building. "You have to go in there alone."

He gulped and Alora could sense the nervousness radiating off of him.

"It will be okay." She reassured him. "Don't worry."

"I'm not worried," he shook his head, "totally not worried."

"Good luck Perce," she waved at him, walking back to camp. Percy watched her walk away before entering the shack.

Alora was lucky enough to get a quick nap in before she had to go to Percys selection ceremony. She stood closely beside him, looking around at the campers to choose from.

She made eye contact with Annabeth, not having seen the girl since capture the flag ended. She knew the girl was worried about being chosen and sent her a reassuring smile, suggesting that she had taken care of it.

"The oracle has confirmed what we expected," Chiron announced dramatically, making Alora role her eyes, "that this quest will proceed toward the underworld, where you will confront the girl who has rebelled against his brothers. Hades. The entrance to Hades' domain lies under the city of Los Angeles. This is where you will journey to. Time is short."

He looked down at Percy, before looking around the group.

"I have selected our most compelling candidates, from which you will choose two to join you on this quest and ensure that we succeed."

"Annabeth." Percy spoke, not letting Chiron finish.

"Customarily, one waits to at least hear a name or two before choosing." Chiron was thrown off. "Are you sure you don't want to hear more?"

"This thing, Zeus's master bolt, we need to get it back right?" He asked the obvious question, making Alora wonder where he was going with this.

"Yes." Chiron was also confused by the sounds of it.

"And it's going to be hard to get, yes?"


"And if a mission required someone to push me down a flight of stairs for it to succeed, you'd want someone who won't hesitate when they do it." He gestured to Alora. "I already have Ally to help me back up so what else could i need."

Chiron seemed pleased with his answer, and so was alora, making him happy to announce, "The first quest mate shall be Annabeth Chase!"

Alora mouthed a thank you to him for carrying out the promise, she received a smile back.

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