chapter 24

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ALORA WAS ALL FOR A LITTLE PRANK, but the trick Ares had pulled on them was a whole other level. When her and Annabeth had landed on the beach, Ares was there waiting for them. The two girls stood up, brushing the sand away hastily.

"Where is he?" The god asked from a couple metres away, and the girls were happy to keep their distance.

"Who?" Alora asked, trying to act clueless, turning to Annabeth who took a deep breath.

"You know who," ares rolled his eyes and scoffed at the girl. "Jackson. Where is he?"

"Sorry, I don't know a Jackson."

"Cut the games," Ares growled angrily, his patience wearing thin. "Where is Percy Jackson?"

"Oh, Percy!" The girl nodded then slowly started to shake her head. "Yeah, uh we don't know."

Almost right on que, Percy and Grover appeared with a think bright flash. Alora and Annabeth quickly rushed over to them.

"Not to be that person," Alora whispered to the boy as she helped him stand, "but we've got company."

Percy followed her eye line and saw Ares approaching, his gold sword slung over his shoulder. Quickly, Percy uncapped his sword and walked towards Ares while making sure his friends kept a safe distance behind him.

He held his sword up, pointing it directly at Ares.

"Single combat," he announced, making the god chuckle.

"What?" he scoffed, amused.

"What?" the group repeated in disbelief. They knew Percy was a little slow, but they didn't think he was a complete idiot.

"One-on-one," Percy continued confidently, "but i set the terms. If i draw first blood, i keep the bolt and you surrender the helm."

This made Ares laugh maniacally, even more than he did at the diner in Aloras opinion.

"Do you accept?"

"I mean it's your funeral, kid." Ares laughed happily before becoming serious, proving Aloras physcotic allegations. "Although just to be clear, no funeral. Any trace of you leaves a trace of my plan, and we can't have that."

"It wasn't your plan though, was it?" Percy questioned. "It was Kronos. It was his idea to frame Poseidon's kid and steal Hades' helm and Zeus' bolt to start a war."

"Huh?" Alora turned to Grover for an explanation at the same time as Annabeth did, asking, "What?"

"Is that where he got to you, too?" Percy continued, meaning they were left in the dark. "Through your dreams?"

"Gods don't dream, little man." Ares stated angrily, losing his temper.

"My dad does." Alora shrugged, but Ares was already fuming with anger and ignored her.

"No one tells the god of war how to start a fight!" Ares yelled loudly. "And after you die, say hi to your mommy for me."

Annabeth and Grover had to hold Alora back at that comment, knowing that Ares would be able to kill her.

The god advanced quickly, swinging his sword at Percy who swiftly dodged it and ran under his arm. Ares turned around and swung, but Percy jumped back quickly. Ares swung at Percy quickly, and Percy was able to block most of them with his own sword until Ares knocked him down.

Alora was knawing at her lip as she watched the fight, knowing she couldn't step in and help. She silently wished that Percy would somehow find a way to win.

Ares clashed his sword down on Percys harshly, but Percy was able to push back and stand up again. Percy rolled to avoid Ares slash and gained his balance but Ares had knocked his sword from his hand and grabbed him by his shirt collar, flipping him onto the ground.

MY DREAM • percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now