chapter 11

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ALORA CAME TO THE CONCLUSION THAT SHE LOVED TRAINS. When their train pulled into the station she ran excitedly towards it, Grover having to pull her back before she got too close.

What she didn't love was when she ended up on the floor beside Percy. Grover had taken the bed immediately and nobody wanted to argue with him since he was being super grouchy. Annabeth then took the other bed leaving Alora to stay on the floor beside Percy.

Alora was kind of avoiding him after realising how she felt. He didn't know about these feelings and being around him while she was sure her feelings were one sided hurt.

What made matters worse was the fact Alora couldn't sleep. Alora, the daughter of the god of sleep, could not sleep for the first time in her life. She lay silently on the floor, hearing percy tossing and turning; but not wanting to talk to him. Eventually she got sick of the reoccurring thoughts about the boy beside her and sat up.

"Where are you going?" Percy asked as she pulled on her shoes, not even knowing she had been awake.

"Can't sleep." She stood up and watched him sit up, ready to follow her. "Don't follow me."

"Oh," He sighed and watched as she leaved. He didn't know if Annabeth was awake but he asked anyway. "Is she okay?"

"Ask her." Annabeth eventually replied. She could see how off Alora was being and had an idea why, but that was not her place to say.

Alora walked down the hall of the train until she reached the sitting area. She sat in the booth alone as she watched the countryside outside go past in a blur. She pulled out the photo Luke had given her, smiling at the memory. She wished she was still at camp, she missed it a lot and was getting homesick.

She didn't know why she couldn't sleep, but she knew it must have had something to do with her father. That could also be the reason she hadn't got any readings lately. Why was he not letting her sleep? What could she have done to upset a man she has never met?

Although her thoughts were all muddled up and she couldn't think properly there was one thought that stuck out, she liked Percy and there was nothing she could do about it.

She shook her head, as if that would clear those thoughts away and set her head against the window while she watched the sun rise. It caused the sky to turn an orangey pink colour that she thought was beautiful.

Someone sat down in the seat facing her in the booth. She didn't need to look up to know it was Percy.

"So uh.." Percy trailed off, noticing the girl wouldn't even look at him. "Are we okay?"

"Mhm," the girl hummed dryly, not taking her eyes away from the sunrise. "Why wouldn't we be?"

Percy didn't know what to say back due to the girls monotone voice and started rambling, "I feel like we haven't really being talking...."

Alora zoned out as she focused on the song playing in the background. She couldn't help but feel like it was connected to her.

You ought to know that
I think we're one and the same
I don't think we could help it
No, I don't think we could help it
We don't talk much
Guess 'cause nothing has changed
And I'm not sure I like it
And I'm so tired of fighting

She most certainly didn't like it and was so tired of fighting. She wanted to be able to tell Percy how she felt, feeling like she could tell him anything, but she couldn't tell him this. He would think she was weird and it would ruin their friendship, so Alora's best idea was to distance herself from him. That way it wouldn't hurt as much.

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