chapter 21

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ALORA THOUGHT THAT THEIR QUEST WAS MADE TO FAIL when Percy returned and told them that the solstice had passed. It seemed that the odds were against them but they were determined to finish what they had started. That's how they ended up at Crusty's Waterbed Palace.

"Is it over?" Grover asked as he and Alora poked their heads in the door, having waited outside for around five minutes while Annabeth and Percy got through.

Percy just nodded in reply and Alora scurried over to him, looking down at the man trapped in the waterbed.

"I see why they call you Crusty." she grimaced after examining his appearance. "Those beds do look awful comfy though, maybe i could just take a little snooze..."

"Come on, Lora." Annabeth said as she grabbed the girls arm who was seconds away from getting herself trapped in a waterbed, and dragging her behind Percy and Grover. "Can't have you getting trapped there forever."

"I wouldn't mind that so much," Alora pouted like a child as they reached a door with a sign in bold letters saying 'DO NOT ENTER'. "Hey guys silly thought, but should we be entering a door that clearly states 'do not enter'?"

"Yeah," Percy agreed as he nodded his head slightly. "I mean, are we sure this is the right way?"

Grover, taking one for the team, stepped forward and slowly pushed the door open as it creaked loudly. An incredibly pungent smell filled Aloras nose as Grover started coughing in disgust.

"It's either the realm of the dead, or someone left a carton of milk in there in the 1990s." The satyr stated in disgust as he started to pick at his horns.

"Hopefully the latter," Alora muttered as she took note of his habit and passed him a squishy ball that sat on the cabinet next to Annabeth. "Better?"

"Much." Grover smiled appreciatively as he squeezed the ball in his palm.

"If we get into trouble," Percy took a deep breath and pulled out the five pearls he has received, "these are our tickets out."

"No one's turning back till we all come back." Annabeth stated authoritatively and alora nodded in agreement. She didn't like the idea of being alone in the Underworld much.

"No one comes back!" Crusty's obnoxious voice came through into the office.

"Don't make me come out there!" Alora threatened as she rolled her eyes. "I have a bow and I've been needing new target aim."

This seemed to shut Crusty up and Percy fought back a smile at Aloras antics, knowing they had important things at hand.

"We have no idea what's down there." The boy sighed as he held out the pearls. "I just think it's safer if I'm not holding them all."

The others seemed to agree as they grabbed one from Percys palm but Alora stood with her arms by her side.

"You see, I tend to misplace things a lot so..." She trailed off, not wanting to be responsible for their only way out.

"I've got it." Annabeth nodded as she grabbed a second pearl and secured it in her pocket. "Now let's get moving."

Annabeth led the way down the steps, Grover shortly behind but Alora stood at the top and waited for Percy who pocketed the remaining pearls.

"We've got this," she said in a reassuring tone, holding a hand out towards the boy, "Time to save your mom."

Percy looked at the girls hand before looking up at her reassuring smile again. He took hold of her hand softly, allowing her to guide him down the steps.

When they finally reached the other side, Alora climbed out first before helping Percy up. They followed Annabeth who hid behind a rock, overlooking the Underworld.

Alora personally thought it was terrifying. The place looked endless, although you couldn't see very far with the misty fog covering it, and the sky looked as if it was about to rip open. On top of that, it was freezing and made Alora miss the warmth of her duvet back at camp even more.

"Not in Kansas." Percy spoke, seemingly in a daze, making Alora furrow her eyebrows in confusion.

"I thought we left Kansas like four days ago?" She turned to the boy.

"We did." He nodded, which made her even more confused. "It's just a... never mind."

"Okay, seaweed brain." The brunette mumbled as she changed her gaze back ahead.

"Guys, is that who I think it is?" Grover said shakily as he squeezed the squeaky ball. Thunder rumbled as Alora squinted her eyes to see who he was talking about, but all she could make out was a hooded figure.

"Charon, the boatman." Annabeth stated, causing a shiver to go up Aloras spine. "Taking new arrivals across the River Styx. Which means that over there is the main gate. Let's go, maybe we can get there first."

"Yeah," grover continued to squeeze his ball, which Annabeth seemed to lose her patience with.

"Why don't you let me hold on to that for now?" She asked as she held her hand out for the ball, making Alora feel bad for gifting it in the first place. Grover dropped it into the girls palm solemnly as she stood up. "Come on."

"I'm not in a 'meeting dead people mood'." Alora groaned as she unwillingly trudged behind her best friend and favourite satyr. "I don't think I'm ever in that mood."

"You can hold my hand if you're scared." Percy smirked, his eyes gleaming with a mischievous glint that made Alora roll her eyes but still take the opportunity.

"Time to meet some zombies, Perce."

em speaks:

very short update bc ik with exam season started to get crazy ill not be able to update much (not as if i do much rn but sure) i have a lot up my sleeve for the coming seasons yall so get excited😉😉 hoping and praying that the series follows on for hoo because even though that will be years away i have my ideas 🙏🙏 anyways enjoy this yall ill be back to finish this season off asap, love yall!!!

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