chapter 7

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ALORA THOUGHT THE QUEST WAS GOING GREAT SO FAR, that was until the reached the bus station of course. Alora happily thanked the woman at the desk who directed them to the bus they were to take.

"Alright Lora you're beside me-" Annabeth began to speak only for Percy to oppose.

"Wow, wow, wow.." He held a hand up in front of him. "What if i wanted to sit beside Ally?"

"Well why don't we let her decide." Annabeth crossed her arms as the pair turned to Alora.

The happy smile on her face faded now that the two were trying to make her choose between them.

"Well, uh.." she didn't know what to say. "I want to sleep on the bus, i haven't got my extra hours in a while, so will you let me sleep on your shoulder?"

"No," annabeth shook her head.

"Yes!" Percy said at the same time, a little too excited.

"Then I'm sitting with Percy." She was confident in her answer.

"I'm not sitting with grover," annabeth was quick to jump in, a little hurt that her best friend didn't pick her.

"Hey!" Grover turned to her, "What's wrong with sitting beside me?"

"She's probably afraid you'll take up both seats," alora laughed while she climbed onto the bus, heading for the back like Annabeth instructed.

Percy let her sit beside the window, incase she wanted to look out at the world she hadn't seen before. As the bus started to move she made herself comfortable in her seat.

"Wake me up when we stop." She mumbled as she lay her head on Percys shoulder. He smiled down at the girl, turning to grover who looked at them with his eyebrows raised and Annabeth who looked disgusted.

He decided to lay his head on top of hers, getting some sleep himself and allowing the girl who was now fast asleep to do so peacefully.

"Ally," Percy whispered shaking the girl gently causing her to stir, "Ally we're stopping now."

The girl opened her eyes and looked confused at her whereabouts for a second, smiling up at Percy.

"Hi," he whispered to her, smiling down at her.

"Hi," she whispered back before Annabeth stood up.

"Okay, I'm going to get us some snacks." She spoke, going to leave the bus.

"I'll come with you." Percy stood up, "I'll get you more pringles Ally."

She smiled appreciatively but Annabeth shoved him back down in his seat.

"No, you'll stay right there." She ordered him, making Alora realise a fight was going to break out.

"Why? It smells terrible back here."

Alora agreed with him there, was this what all buses smelt like?

"Monsters can't smell you through that, so that's where I want you." Annabeth spoke calmly.

"I want to vote." Percy was persistent, making grover and Alora look at each other in worry. "Who thinks that we should all go get to breathe fresh air and buy our own snacks?"

Percy raised his hand, turning to Alora. "Ally raised your hand,"

the girl obliged and raised her hand.

"Lora put your hand down." She then did as Annabeth told her. "There is no voting. Chips and sodas okay for you guys?"

"I don't think you should just get to decide we don't vote." Percy complained.

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