The Resistance

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The Updates are Of 6th January.


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Articles 16 and 17 of the Hamas charter

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Articles 16 and 17 of the Hamas charter.


—> Government Media Office:

The "israeli" occupation army desecrated 1,100 graves in Al-Tuffah cemetery, east of Gaza and stole 150 bodies.

The occupation's machinery bulldozed the cemetery, exhumed the bodies of martyrs and the dead, trampled on them, and desecrated their dignity, without any respect for the sanctity of the deceased or the cemeteries.

After desecrating the graves and bulldozing the cemetery, the occupation army stole about 150 bodies of recently buried martyrs, exhuming them from their graves and transporting them to an unknown location. This raises suspicions of another crime, namely the theft of organs of the martyrs, which has been referenced in previous statements.

The occupation has repeated this crime more than once, with the most recent incident involving the delivery of 80 bodies of martyrs stolen previously from the governates of Gaza and North Gaza. The bodies were tampered with, returned disfigured, and buried in Rafah. Previously, graves in Jabalia were also desecrated, and bodies of martyrs were stolen from there.


—> Hamas:

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

The act of the Nazi occupation in exhuming and destroying 1,100 graves yesterday, in Al-Tuffah neighborhood east of Gaza City, and the theft of about 150 bodies of recently buried martyrs, taking them to an unknown location, is a heinous crime that reflects the brutality of this fascist army. It reveals the extent of its sadism and criminality, in a blatant violation of all divine values and laws, and a challenge and disregard for all international laws and customs.

This atrocious crime comes shortly after the occupation's act of stealing organs from about 80 bodies and mutilating them before handing them over to the Red Cross and re-burying them in Rafah city.

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