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"Damn it!"

Saitama placed down the controller in his hand, trying hard not to break it like he had to the previous ones, before he let out a sigh.

"How do you keep winning?"

Saitama turned to the other man besides him, a friend he could say, and gave him an annoyed look.

"You're just bad." King said in his usual flat tone.

The door bell rung and Genos looked away from the duo to gaze at the door before standing up from the sofa.

"I'll get it."

He walked over to the door, expecting a package of some sort, since his teacher liked to buy random items whenever they were on discount, but what he was met with was entirely unexpected.

"Hi, I'm here to meet Saitama." You smiled up at Genos while all he did was stare back.

"State your reason-"

"It's fine, Genos. I knew this kid was coming."

You looked behind Genos to see the man, who was known to be your very very very distant uncle.

You're father had shown you a photo in advance of Saitama so you wouldn't mistaken any random person as your relative since you looked nothing alike.

Genos let you through, giving you a scrutinising look as you passed through but you were too focused on Saitama to even notice.

"My father informed me about an uncle who could use little amounts of cursed energy to form our cursed technique." You mentioned as you took a seat on his sofa.

Saitama nodded, joining your side and before you could ask further on how he did it, he was already answering the question you had on mind.

"100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10K run. Every single day until you've reached your limit."

You stared at Saitama and he returned it with a blank expression.

"Do this routine while releasing small amounts of cursed energy and it will make you stronger." He explained further.

"But I have, like, one percent of cursed energy within me-"


Saitama's nonchalant attitude had you raising a brow. You decided to stay silent so he could explain more.

"The way we use our cursed technique is by using an amount of cursed energy within us and turning that into power whenever we train our bodies so, it results in enhancing our abilities like strength and speed." He started and you gave him a nod to say you understood.

"The old generation had so much cursed energy and they used large amounts while training so, they could strengthen their bodies at a really fast pace. Because, I lack in cursed energy, it took me three years to strengthen my body to it's limit. If you have one percent of cursed energy, it should only take you a year and a half to complete your training since you have twice as much as me."

Saitama's revelation of him lacking cursed energy compared to you had your eyes widening.

"It takes a lot of concentration to channel your cursed energy into your training so don't give up at the first try." He mentioned.

You were quiet for a second as you wanted to process everything that had been informed to you.

You then smiled in his direction.

"Thank you, Uncle Saitama."

You dipped your head to show your respect to him while a small smile painted his lips.

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