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TIME - 10:10PM

Toji found himself standing in an abandoned shop, the dust dancing in the faint light filtering through the boarded-up windows. His gaze drifted to the night sky outside, where stars peeked through the darkness.

The mention of the name you uttered earlier had sent a shiver down his spine, stirring up memories he had long tried to bury.

It was a name he hadn't heard in years, yet its utterance in this forsaken place brought it rushing back.

As he stood there, grappling with the flood of emotions and memories, Toji couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to him being here than mere chance.

Toji's attention shifted from the night sky to his trembling hands. He clenched and unclenched them, trying to regain control, but it was slipping away like sand through his fingers.

'Kill the sorcerers.'

His eyes, once bright and clear, now bore the mark of the cursed technique inflicted upon him. The whites had turned a deep, unsettling shade of black, resembling pools of ink swirling with hidden depths.

As Toji stood there, the memories of the times he held with his wife and son began to fade, slipping away like shadows retreating from the light. With each passing moment, his past grew more distant, until it vanished altogether, leaving behind only a hollow emptiness.

In their place, a new reality emerged—one in which Toji found himself nothing more than a puppet, a vessel for the will of another.

The commands of Ogami echoed in his mind, drowning out his own thoughts and desires, reducing him to little more than a mindless servant.


TIME - 10:45PM


You looked up from where you stood and saw it was Ieiri Shoko who had called you.

When splitting up from Megumi and Yuji, you found yourself shouldering the weight of responsibility as you made the decision to take Ino to Ieiri for treatment. You were then given the task, by the older woman, of scouring the abandoned streets of Shibuya for any other injured sorcerers in need of assistance.

"You should go and regroup with the others now." She suggested.

"Okay. I'll keep an eye out for anyone who's injured and I'll inform you." You told while waving your phone in the air.

She smiled in your direction as she nodded but once she did, you disappeared from her eyes.


TIME - 10:48PM

"Nanami-san isn't picking up his phone...what about Megumi?"

The ravenette had informed you that he would report to Nanami about the curtain being lifted up and it had been almost thirty minutes since he was gone.

"He's not picking up either." You mumbled as you ended the line, putting your phone back in your pocket.

You turned in the direction of the station, your expression shifting from one of playfulness to something more serious.

"Something's not right."


TIME - 10:50PM

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