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TIME - 8:38PM

"They put up a curtain here. But, Gojo-sensei predicted they would put one up on floor B5F."

You approached the curtain that had been placed specifically between B1F and B2F before you placed your hand on it. With a bit of anticipation, you seamlessly passed through it as if it was never there.

However, when Inumaki attempted the same, he was abruptly halted, unable to breach the barrier.

"It's deliberately set up to stop sorcerers from reaching Gojo-sensei," you mused, piecing together the puzzle.

It was evident that this was a calculated move to thwart any attempts at reaching Gojo.

As this revelation hung in the air, your phone buzzed, the caller ID displaying Yuji's name.

Curiosity piqued, you swiftly answered, eager to discover what news or developments Yuji might be bringing to the table.

"Hi, Yuji. Where are you?"

"I'm heading to Meiji-Jingumae station, right now."

In an instant, your eyes lit up with recognition and anticipation.

"Exit 2?" you quickly interjected, surprising him with your pinpoint accuracy regarding his location.

"How did you know?" he asked, clearly taken aback by your uncanny knowledge of his whereabouts.

"Me and Inumaki are already here," you confidently replied, your voice a mix of assurance and determination.

"We're going ahead to reach Gojo-sensei; there's a possibility he's trapped with civilians in B5F," you informed him.

"Okay! If there's any cursed spirits around, just leave them to me! Just focus on getting to B5F."

With a swift gesture, you concluded the call, shifting your attention to Inumaki. Before you could even begin to relay the conversation, he raised his hand, signaling that he'd already intercepted and comprehended the entire exchange.

"I'll take down the curtain," You told.

This viel was a lot easier to break as the cursed user behind it wasn't as strong as the pervious user who managed to trap the entire city of Shibuya.

"Let's head down!" you exclaimed, your voice filled with urgency and determination as the shattered remnants of the barrier fell away, granting access to the path ahead.

The mission to reach Gojo-sensei and aid the trapped civilians in B5F was now clearer, propelling you both forward with purpose.


TIME - 8:40PM

Gojo stood resolute, his focus fixed on the trio of adversaries—Hanami, Jogo, and Choso.

The once radiant demeanor that defined him had vanished, replaced by a somber intensity as the weight of responsibility rested heavily on his shoulders.

Eight minutes had elapsed in tense anticipation as Gojo awaited the arrival of both you and Inumaki. The urgency of the situation before him meant he could no longer delay any further.

The thought of civilian casualties was a bitter pill to swallow and it loomed over him.

It was a stark realization that in the pursuit of victory, sacrifices might be inevitable, even if it meant the loss of innocent lives.

The internal conflict within Gojo was one he usually didn't feel but you had stepped into his usual equation to resolve a problem and messed it all up.

You wanted to save civilians while all he wanted to do was get rid of the cursed spirits and call it a day.

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