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Just you. Those were the words that had kept repeating in Alec's head. The jocks mind merely filling with Blake. He couldn't control it, make these thoughts go away. It merely made him wonder, why did he feel this way towards the boy. Why did his body want him, why had his body began to crave the boy? Alec himself didn't even know the answer to that question. His mind just couldn't baffle to reason. He's never felt this way to anyone before. This feeling? Unknown! He couldn't describe it. The way his skin would burn when it collided with the younger one's skin. His touch was intoxicating, hot. This only made the older one want something he never thought he would.

Blake. He's the boy Alec wanted.

He's never felt this way towards a boy before, he's never thought about his sexuality. Even taken a look into the queer world. Yet here he is, letting this adorable boy mix up his thoughts. Invade his mind on the daily. It had only been a week since they had met. Alec found himself looking out for the boy, wanting to talk to him. Yet he's not like that, not one to act soft.

Comforting Blake the other day merely felt alienated to him. He didn't like it, the thought made him sick. Yet when he thought about being soft with Blake his stomach turned. A knot forming with every breath he took. His body wanted to touch him, comfort him. Bring a smile onto his face, kiss his lips, kiss his neck. Mark what was his, what belonged to him. He could feel this knot forming the longer he took. The longer he took before making what was his, his. He knew he couldn't, couldn't for-fill this feeling. Did he care? No.

Lifting his head from his phone Alec instantly spotted Blake. His eyes flickering as he admired the boys outfit. How cute n adorable he looked in it. These thoughts filling his head as he watched the smaller one open his locker. Biting his bottom lip Alec took his chance. Heading over he couldn't help but smile as the younger one's aftersahve hit his nose. The smell of vanilla hitting his senses.

"Blake" Alec's voice was deep n husky. Blake's eyes quick to meet his. A small smile merely forming on the smaller one's lips. Blake's nerves rising as he turned to meet the older jocks position. That same smirk that Alec held rising on his lips as he watched him.

"Hi Alec" Alec couldn't help but smile. The first time his boy had greeted him with a smile. His voice only making the knot upon the older jocks chest tighten. His skin tinging with anticipation. The mere impulse to touch his skin. Ruffle Blake's hair filling Alec's body. Looking into the younger one's eyes Alec couldn't help but shudder. His spine merely freezing as his nerves rose. Why did he feel like this? Why did out of all the people Blake only make his body react this way.

"Can I have your number" The older jock finally asked. Blake's eyes widening at this question. Why did Alec want his number? Where they friends, could be finally class them as friends. This only made Blake's chest bubble as he pulled out his phone. Giving Alec a small smile he only watched as the older boy added his number into his phone. Taking his phone back Blake looked at the screen before him. Alec's name on it. The smile tugging at his lips becoming bigger before meeting the older one's eyes.

Feeling Alec's finger beneath his chin Blake had no time to react before his gaze was pulled to fully look up at Alec's. A smile on the older jocks lips as he looked down at the boy. Running his thumb across the boys bottom lip Alec could feel arousal as he watched Blake's face.

"I'll message you" with that Alec had left. Blake standing still in a daze as he watched the older jock. Alec merely couldn't be there anymore. Lust taking over his body. He knew he would have acted upon ways that would change everything. Ruin what they were building. He didn't want to ruin this one, he wanted to keep him.

Night time soon fell as Blake laid upon his bed. Room silent, boredom filling his senses. Sitting up he had the urge to go on a little walk. Grabbing his converse he made sure he brought a coat before grabbing his phone. Letting his mum know that he was going on a walk he soon found himself standing outside his front door. The bitter wind attacking his uncovered skin. A shiver hitting his spine as he began his adventure into the unknown. Music playing upon his ears, cars driving by as they turned into a blur.

Looking at the time he decided to walk the way he went before. The way he met Alec for the first time. By the basketball court. A part of him hoping he would find the jock there. Part of him hoping he didn't. His nerves always for the best of him. Anxiety making him act awkward around people. People merely classed him as the quiet kid, the nerd, outcast. Blake himself knew that, knew what people have said about him. The whispers he's heard along school corridors. He hated it.

Biting down his tongue Blake couldn't help but whince as pain shit through it. Letting his tongue go the taste of blood soon attacked his throat. His anxiety getting the better of him. Despite the fact he was alone in the dark. The sight of nothing but silence around him. His emotions still managed to destroy him. Take over his feelings as he thought of situations, especially ones including a certain jock. The day not long ago repeating upon his mind. The way he ignored his nerves, leaning into Alec's touch. He acted upon impulse. Hoping for the best.

He just couldn't decipher why he felt safe, comfort. Especially from a boy he had met a week ago. There was just something about the boy. He always thought jocks were the same snobby, ignorant cunts. Yet this one was different, continuing to prove Blake's assumptions wrong. He expected Alec to lash out at him. Hitting him for getting in the way. Except he didn't. Alec was a god, his beauty, he was perfect. The perfect husband for a wife. Alec wasn't one to go for someone like Blake. Blake kept telling himself upon his head, putting himself down. God Alec wasn't one to go for a boy. So why, why did he act the way he does around Blake. The way he looks at him, the way he touches his face. It was confusing.

Finding himself before the basketball court Blake couldn't help but feel sad. A certain jock was nowhere to be seen. Rubbing his eyes the small boy couldn't help but sigh. Looking at the time he decided to take a quick stop at his favourite cafe before heading home. Turning to leave Blake's heart froze. Someone standing by the parks gate. Darkness covering their face. Watching as the unknown walked towards him Blake's nerves rose. His breathing becoming heavy, body beginning to shake. Letting his grip upon his phone tighten Blake took a few steps back. His anxiety getting the best of him, his teeth biting down his bottom lip. The taste of blood invading his mouth.

"Hey hey, it's only me" An oh so familiar voice spoke. Alec coming into view. Blake's eyes widening. The older jocks arms wrapping around the smaller one's waist. Pulling Blake close Alec let his impulses take over. A soft look upon his face, lips coming in contact with his boys forehead. Placing a gentle kiss upon Blake's skin Alec couldn't help but worry. The smaller boys body shaking slightly as he slowly eased into his touch. Running his hand upon Blake's back all Alec could do was hope he's okay.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you" Alec's voice calming Blake down. The smaller one's arms reaching up to wrap around the jocks neck. Hesitantly lifting his head up Blake looked the older one in the eyes. His lips tugging into a small smile. Taking another deep breath he soon found himself nuzzling his head into the crook of Alec's neck. The older one's breath hitching to this feeling. Their body's fully clasped together.

"I was just about to message you, why are you here" the jock asked, Blake's head pulling away to meet Alec's gaze. "Out for a walk, you" Blake's body no longer shaking. Nerves calm as he stood upon the older one's grasp. Hands upon his neck, Alec's around Blake's waist. "Basketball" was all Alec said. Blake's eyes widening as he took a step back. Taking a glance behind him Blake felt embarrassed as these next words came out.

"Can I watch you" However this only made Alec smile. Running his hand through his hair he couldn't help but chuckle. Ruffling the smaller one's hair Alec nodded as he headed to the court. Grabbing the basketball from the floor Blake was hot on the older one's trail. His eyes darting around him, his body slightly paranoid.

Watching as Alec took his shirt off Blake couldn't help but blush. His cheeks burning, the older boys eyes on him. Alec couldn't help but smile as he watched the younger one eye his body. It was his. Alec was all his and Blake didn't even know it yet.

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