Twenty Eight

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It would be a lie to say that Blake was feeling himself. He wasn't. He just couldn't feel himself at the moment. With everything that has gone on he felt numb. The whole world had changed him, changed his life within a flash. He couldn't handle it, it was too much for him to handle.

Was it wrong of him to think he didn't wanna live anymore. Was that too much to accumulate these feelings too. Just an inch of him hoped he would feel happy sometime soon. However he knew he wouldn't, can't. Nothing could make him happy at this moment in time.

Blake found himself in his car. Music on blast, tears brimming at his eyes. All he felt was pain, betrayal as he drove. His emotions getting the best of him. With no idea where to go Blake drove. His hands taking him a familiar route he had been taken to before. Trees passing, bitter wind falling through his open windows. Taking a deep breath Blake turned into the dirt road.

That same cabin Alec had taken him too before coming into view. Alec's car parked on the side. Blake immediately stopped his car. Why was Alec here? Was this a bad time. Blake couldn't help but worry he shouldn't have come here. Heading to reverse back a familiar voice hit his ears. Blake's gaze meeting the older boys as he stood by the cabin door. Topless, sweating,Hair messy.

"Blake" His voice was deep and breathy. Alec couldn't help but feel confused yet happy Blake was here. But the question was why was he here? Why did his boy look upset. This look only made the older boys chest tighten. He hated seeing Blake like this, in this vulnerable state. Who had done this, why was he feeling this way.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have come here" Blake stuttered out as tears left his eyes. Pressing his foot on reverse Alec ran up for the car causing Blake to stop it. Biting his tongue Blake got out of the car standing before the older boy. His eyes watching Alec's own as they stood in silence.

Alec broke. The look in the younger boys eyes. The hurt, the pain. That lingered in his face, Alec hated it. His blood boiling to hurt whoever gad caused him this pain.

Within an instant Blake had slammed his body in the older boys. Arms wrapping around his neck. Alecs breath hitching. Wrapping his arms tightly around Blake's waist Alec placed a kiss upon the smaller boys head. The feeling of Blake's touch on his skin making Alec smile. He had missed his boy. Since he last saw him in the park a few weeks ago. Alec had progressed a lot in becoming a better person.

"We need to stop meeting like this" Alec softly mumbled against Blake's soft hair. This only earned a small chuckle to leave Blake's lips as he hugged the older boy much tighter. Tears slowly leaving his eyes. Alec wasn't wrong. They really did need to stop meeting like this.

"I can't take it anymore Alec" Blake mumbled as he felt the older boy pull him up. Wrapping his legs around Alec's waist Blake felt the older boy place his hands on his ass. Holding the smaller boy close Alec began walking through the cabin. Heading out onto the balcony Alec sat down with Blake still in his lap. Running a hand around Blake's cheek Alec couldn't help but frown. He hated seeing Blake like this. This vulnerable, fragile, soft. Anyone could pounce on him and he'd be unable to help himself.

The two sitting in silence. Alec didn't know what to say, how to comfort his boy, However watching as Blake leaned into his touch Alec held the boy close. The sound of birds singing upon the trees. The bitter wind nipping at the twos exposed skin. Alec merely closed his eyes as he placed his face in the smaller boys hair. Taking a deep breath he felt warmth cover his body. His mind at peace as he held the one he loved close. Placing one a kiss upon Blake's head Alec had an idea pop into his head.

"Wanna go to the lake" He asked earning the smaller boy to lift his head up. Their gazes meeting as a small smile tugged at Blake's lips. Taking that as a yes Alec hoisted Blake onto his feet before standing on his own. Heading into the cabin Alec got out a pair of shorts for Blake to use.

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