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"What do you have to show me young lady" The older man's voice echoed throughout the house. A slight smirk tugging at the girls lips as she chuckled. Placing her phone in front of the older man she only smirked. He should have listened to her, he didn't. Now look at the consequences.

"What's this" The older man asked taking the phone into his hand. Tugging at her own hair the girl only smiled more.

"Your son" These words only made the older man become riled up. The photo in front of his eyes. What has his son become. Feeling anger seep through his blood the man gave her phone back.

"Thank you, if you get anymore contact me straight away, I have my son to deal with" With that she left. Leaving the house one boy lived in. That smirk in her face. One that had become so familiar in some people's life's. Getting into her car she drove home, mission complete. What was she planning? And why?

On the other side of town Blake sat in his usual seat at his favourite cafe. Jason with him as they spoke. Sun shining, hot chocolate in his hands.

"So how's you and that boy" Jason asked curiously. Watching as the smaller boy adjusted himself in the seat. He could see a change in the boy. He seemed more out going, less shy. That's might be because of this boy or just because he's learning himself. Either way Jason couldn't help but smile at this change in the little one.

"To be honest, I've never been happier" smiling at this response Jason only ruffled Blake's hair. Earning a glare to be shot his way. However Blake couldn't help but admit that he felt like someone had been watching him all day. He just felt off, Alec hadn't responded to any messages. He knew he shouldn't worry about it too much, they aren't even a couple. Yet the younger ball couldn't help but worry. Had he done something wrong? Had he said something, had he met someone else, someone much better? A girl even?!

Jason couldn't help but notice the sudden change in Blake's look. "What's wrong" The older man asked as he took a sip of hit latte. Watching the smaller boy pout Jason only frowned.

"I don't know I've just felt off today, like someone's been watching me" Rubbing his eyes Blake only looked out the window once more. The surroundings filled with passers by and no one he knows.

"I'm sure it's nothing okay kiddo, don't stress too much over it" Ruffling Blake's hair one more time Jason took a stand. Giving the smaller boy one more smile he left heading back to the cashiers. He had work to do, as much as he wanted to stay with the smaller boy and make sure he's safe, he's got a job to do. He may be the manager but that doesn't mean he can just slack off of work.

Giving Jason a small wave Blake headed out of the cafe. Placing his earphones on he let music take over his body. Lana del'Ray. Lip syncing to his favourite song, Video games Blake couldn't help but admire the buildings around him. Despite being in a big town their main buildings were quite Gothic looking. Especially buildings that were built years ago in the ancient times.

Still feeling that uneasy touch Blake made his pace pick up. Heading home. He was supposed to be meeting Alec after having breakfast at the cafe but something had come up. Meaning He would have to wait until School to see the older boy.

Finally reaching home he came to a halt. Switching his music off the sound of a camera attacked his ears. That's familiar click when a photo was to be taken filling his bones. Goosebumps covering his skin, lips apart. Turning to look behind him he saw. Nothing. His nerves rising, skin itching. Was he hearing things? Was his mind playing tricks on him? Biting his tongue Blake took one more look around him before heading inside. Closing the door behind him his mum peeked her best out of the kitchen.

"Your home early, not meeting Alec" She asked, confusion in her tone. Sighing Blake only shook his head as he took a look out the window.

"Everything okay" His mum asked as she walked towards him. Shaking his head Blake couldn't describe how he felt, confusion, scared, anxious. It was a mixture the younger boy didn't like filling his system all at once. It merely made him sick, shallow. He didn't want to talk but he knew his mum would get it out of him.

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