Twenty Four

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Wrapping the last box in tape Alec wiped the sweat off of his forehead. Music biting his ears as he looked around his now dull and empty room. Placing the tape dispenser on his empty bed the older boy sat down. His muscles killing him. Now all he had to do was let his father know. It was for the best. Their relationship was awful. Alec knew to make it better he'd have to leave. Not just for him but for Blake. He couldn't live this life anymore. He needed a fresh start a new place to call home.

Alec hadn't been to school in three weeks. He just couldn't get himself to go. Blake was now out of hospital. He was getting better, his injuries taking a slow but healthy heal. He'd only known by Blake's mother. She knew they weren't talking at the moment anymore. But she knew Alec would want to at least know how his boy was doing. Even if it was by a simple text message.

Taking a stand Alec headed out of his room. Hearing his father on the phone downstairs he made his way down. Running a hand through his sweaty hair Alec took a deep breath. Waiting for his dad to finish the phone call he leaned on the kitchen counter. His dad giving him a small smile as he placed his phone down.

"Son" Biting his bottom lip Alec gave his dad a small smile. They weren't on good terms but he wanted to build what they had lost. He hated his dad, but he's the only family Alec had left.

"I think it's best if I move out, get away from all this" Watching as his dad's smile faltered into that same dull expression Alec felt his nerves rise.

"Look son I know we haven't been the best" Before his dad could continue Alec interrupted him.

"No dad, you've treated me like a complete stranger for years, attacked me, called me names, we lost this because of you, I'm your son, not a disappointment, not a low life, I tried my best to fit your criteria but you wouldn't accept anything I did, you ruined this, you pushed me away, you made me feel like shit, I tried my hardest to please you but you never batted me an eyelid, now look at us, I don't feel safe here anymore, I don't even want to be here anymore, that's why I'm leaving, for a fresh start, for me and you"

Alec felt his heart throb as he spoke these words no kid should ever have to speak to their parents.


"I've already packed my belongings dad, you're not gonna change my mind, I'm sorry it had to be like this" Biting his tongue the older boy could feel tears brim his eyes. He didn't even know why he was becoming emotional. I guess leaving the place you used to call home hits hard when you're leaving for good.

"Is it because of that boy" His dad becoming angry. His face turning red, veins popping out as he slammed the counter top. Lightly flinching to this action Alec took a step back.

"No, why would you think that" Alec returned back only to earn a scowl from his father's tongue. Watching as his father laughed to his words Alec could see this turning deadly. The look on his dad's face making his chest tighten. It wasn't supposed to go this way. It as supposed to be simple. However anything in the older jocks life never was simple, not even love.

"I'm not stupid Alec" Laughing to his dad's word Alec could feel his own anger grow. The fact his dad thought he was leaving for a boy. If he could he would but this wasn't the case. He was doing it for himself. It's the only way he could see his life changing for the better. Leaving this fucked up home behind and making a new one.

"I'm not lying" His dad only slammed his fist onto the counter top before walking over. Red flashing in his eyes as he stood before his son. Anger had taken over, why was he leaving? All because of a stupid boy? One little useless boy that no one cared about except Alec.

"What do you even see in that boy Alec, he's a nobody, a nerd, he's not supposed to be seen with people like us, kids like you, god how did you even meet him, he's dragging this family apart, he's taking you away from me"

Slamming his own fist into the wall next to him Alec stood inches away from his dad. A low growl escaping his tongue. His dad's eyes flashing with fear before returning back to their normal dullness.

"Don't you ever talk about him like that again, you broke this family, you ruined us, not him, you, it was all you, always had been, you broke this family apart with your drinking problems, all because mum left, you chose to be a cunt, switched on me, you have the nerve to call this a family, you haven't been been a dad to me since mum left, you never have"

Within a flash his father's fist had collided with his jaw. Reacting back Alec's knuckles had hit his dad's nose. Both stumbling back. Alec didn't want it to end this way, become even worse that it had before but clearly he was wrong. He thought his dad could change, would at least try and understand him, he was wrong.

"He's changed you son, not for the good either" Laughing at this comment Alec found himself pushing his dad into the kitchen counter. He wanted to hold back but he merely couldn't. After all these years he was giving his dad a taste of his own medicine. Clearly not long ago wasn't enough for his dad to realise he wasn't a kid anymore. He was growing up, whether he liked it or not.

"Your right he has changed me, he makes me feel so much better dad, he's made me realise what happiness feels, he makes me feel loved, that's right I fucking love him, your never gonna change that"

Not wanting to continue this argument Alec turned to leave. His dad standing by the kitchen counter, no words leaving his mouth. His eyes filled with an emotion the older boy couldn't recognise. Taking a deep breath he grabbed his car keys. Taking the boxes down one by one Alec felt tears brimming his eyes. He hated this, but liked it at the same time.

He couldn't help but feel freedom erupt throughout his body. He was finally free, finally moving on from the life he hated, the life that tore him apart. Wanting to say goodbye to his dad Alec chose not to. Not seeing his father anywhere in sight he took one last look at the house he once called home. Biting his tongue the older boy closed the front door. Heading down to his car he got into the drivers seat. Resting his head upon the steering wheel Alec felt the emotions hitting him like a brick.

Starting the ignition Alec headed off. To the place he felt more at home than he did here. The cabin. It had everything he needed to survive. Not too far from town but far enough to feel at peace. No one to find him, no one to disturb him. It was merely perfect. He could easily buy himself a home but what's the fun in that. Especially when he already had somewhere he pictured himself visiting his whole life.

Soon driving up the dirt road Alec had arrived. Parking the car next to some trees he's got out. The cold yet warm air hitting his skin. Taking a deep breath he couldn't help but smile. He was home, one he felt safe in. Opening the front door he began to move his boxes inside. Placing which ones went where knowing where he would place to continents inside.

Placing the last box down Alec took a stroll onto the balcony outside. His eyes wandering over to the hot tub. Where he shared a special memory with a certain boy. God if he could hold that boy right here right now he would. But he couldn't, not yet. This was a fresh start, for him and for Blake.

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